11: Unfriendly Cohorts

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This chapter is dedicated to Ahaheartbahbay who also spent a very late night reading and chatting with me about my story (I'm noticing a trend with my dedications...). Not only did she give me valuable feedback, but she also figured out a cast for me, because I am a failure at celebrity who's who. AND she made me two of the three cool banners you see on the side bars. Yeah, amazing.

She's written a couple books that I recommend you read, and has a massive crush on Abe. Don't worry girl, he'll wear Aqua Di Gio on your date. LOL

Chapter 11: Unfriendly Cohorts

I jumped from my crouched position and attempted to intercept his gaze as Landon strained his neck to see what was moaning and struggling behind me. I moved toward him, crossing the sports court at record speed.

“Ahem. Um, hi Landon.”

I don’t think I’d ever felt as uncomfortable in my life as I did at that moment, being caught right after pouring lemon juice all over a guys face, who happens to be tied and gagged with saran wrap, has a super absorbent maxi pad taped to his face—which was now saturated with blood, and a yellow liquid—a chip clip clipped to his nose, has patchwork skin, and is the size of a Volkswagen.

But strangely enough, Landon was the one who looked like he was cataloguing his recent behavior to recall if there might be any reason for me to punch him in a sensory center, or throw feces at him.

I reached the door and pushed him outside, pulling the door closed tightly behind me. The sounds coming from the sports court occupant being cut off instantly. I took a moment to take a long breath before proceeding. Landon didn’t look like he had recovered the ability to speak yet.

“What are you doing here?”

It’s always better to go on the offensive with him, because when he’s up to something sketchy he is too busy defending himself to think about what I might be up to. And it’s always a safe bet that Landon is up to something sketchy.  Plus, Landon showing up in our sports court without Abe is unusual.

Although, I had left the gate open for Anton, which would explain how he got in.

Speaking of Anton, I am pretty sure it’s been more than ten minutes. If it hasn’t, this had to be the longest ten minutes in history.

Landon was still standing two feet away from me as if deciding how to proceed.

He began with a snort, “I already told you. I’m looking for Abe.”

Okay, so looking for Abe in the sports court is a pretty logical thing to do since he spends most of his free time there. And Landon didn’t look shifty at all, so maybe, against all odds, he wasn’t up to anything shady. It looked like my offensive plan wasn’t working as well as I hoped.

“What is going on in there Jade?”

He looked at me with no trace of a smile on his face. He actually seemed slightly appalled. Maybe he’d caught a glimpse of the guy’s face.

 If he knew the whole truth though, he would certainly be more than appalled. He might even feel obligated to tell Abe what was going on with me. Sure he would say it was for my benefit, but he doesn’t know the consequences of sharing this particular secret.

“Oh. That.” I tried to think of something plausible. “That was homework. From my sansei.” I added lamely.

Landon quirked an eyebrow at me, folded his arms and leaned his right shoulder against the wall.


“Yeah, it’s ah…an advanced exercise…in preparation for….the necessity of…dispatching…and restraining opponents with—“I cut off my explanation just as I was about to think of something brilliant.

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