17: Secret Keeping Epic Fail

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 A/N: Momamoose this one is for you. This girl is an awesome fun commenter. She does my favorite thing...she comments and votes on every chapter. Haha. She's also super creative and has written a fantasy/ crazy book called Ashes. It's a retelling of Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking Glass. If you like tons of detail, and seriously creative stories, then give it a go.

Chapter 17: Secret Keeping Epic Fail

Our relationship had never come to this kind of a standoff before. I haven't ever been in possession of a secret so hairy that I felt like I couldn’t tell her. In the past, I admit, I have sometimes been close-lipped on purpose, you know, just to build up her anticipation. It’s just that it’s five times the fun to finally share the story when she’s practically foaming at the mouth. But this was different.

For a moment I thought of trying to run out the door before she could catch me, but she’s five inches taller than me—yes, she’s on par with the Biebster—and believe me, it’s all in her legs.

I’ve always considered my shortness as a positive thing, except at the theater. It means I can wear any kind of shoe without worrying that I’ll be taller than my date. But in this case, it was definitely a problem. It’s not likely that I could outrun her, and when she catches up with me, I wouldn’t put it past her to go for a tackle. She looks ready to wrangle with anybody who messes with her right now.

Instead I chose a more dignified approach.

“Erica! What are you doing eavesdropping on me? Rude much?”

“What did you expect?! You looked like you were crying when you made a break for the bathroom. Excuse me for coming to see what’s wrong with my best friend. I’ve been worried sick about you the last couple days.

“What were you talking about on the phone Jadie?” She stepped closer to me.

“Okay, listen,” I held my palms out, the universal defensive gesture, “There’s a reason why I can’t tell you. A really good one, Erica.”

“I don’t care. You will tell me.”

“I can’t Er! I can’t! Okay? I’ve never kept a secret from you before, and I wouldn’t now if I didn’t have to.” 

She covered my mouth with one hand, and gripped my shoulder with the other, then pierced me with her stare.

“Jade, you listen to me. Just listen.”

Although she wasn’t very receptive to my eye signals, there was nothing wrong with her output. And her eyes were screaming at me, screaming concern and panic, instead of the anger and betrayal that I expected to see there.  

“I know something is wrong. Okay? Beyond wrong. Yesterday at school you were like a zombie—except you weren't munching on your classmates—and were almost incapable of human speech.”

Her fingers dug into my shoulders, emphasizing the worry in her voice.

“Okay, at first, I thought you were upset about Millie. You know? She went too far at the Olive Garden, and then still kept on pouting afterward. But then you ditched class and didn’t want to bring us with you even after I got Millie to finally apologize.”

Her voice was getting shaky now. I thought she was going to cry, but she took a deep breath and swallowed.

“Then when we get to your house I see you shoving that freaky, mutant guy into the closet, with Landon of all people, and some other guy I’ve never seen in my life helping you?” She took a shallow breath before continuing, “And now I hear that the mafia is watching you?

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