I. Chapter 20 | Part 2 - Aubree

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"Knock knock," Aubree heard Gwen's voice on the other side of the bathroom door.

She stood in front of the mirror, hunched over the sink, as she stared back at her reflection. She hardly recognized herself. Her once shiny, warm, honey-toned hair was tangled in a matted mess with dirt and bits of leaves sticking out. Gauze was wrapped around her temple and she saw dried blood that spotted through over her eyebrow. Bags hung under her bloodshot hazel eyes. A ring of purplish-blue circled her neck with other splotches adorning her arms. She lifted up her shirt to see two more on her sides before grimacing and lowering the fabric. Dirt coated her clothing, whereas there were only traces of it on her skin as if someone had tried to wipe some of it off with a clean cloth.

No wonder Stone wouldn't look at you, she told herself. You're a mess.

"Are you okay, Aubree?"

Sighing, Aubree pulled herself away from the sink and opened the door.

Gwen's brows were furrowed with worry. The taller girl studied Aubree's eyes as if looking for something deeper lingering in her soul that she couldn't communicate through words.

Aubree pursed her lips and gave her friend a nod.

Pulling Aubree into a hug, Gwen said, "It's not so bad. The bruises will heal and fade away. You're alive and that's what matters. Right?"

Aubree nodded into Gwen's shoulder, clinging to the only friend she felt she had in the world at that moment. Tears stung her eyes as the attack replayed in her mind again. Her heart twisted in pain, reliving the fear, the helplessness, the sheer power the man held over her.

She could have been killed instantly.

Shuddering, she squeezed her eyes shut and tried not to think about it.

"I'm sorry about Stone's behavior," Gwen said. "When mom died, he was inconsolable."

Aubree drew away from her friend and gave her a puzzled look.

True, Stone did look ruffled, but how could Gwen bring up her mother's death like that? What did that have to do with Aubree? She wasn't dead.

Reading the look on Aubree's face, Gwen said, "What I mean is, Stone can't handle things like this when it's about people he cares about."

Aubree's heart skipped a beat.

So he did care about her. With her suspicions regarding his feelings confirmed, she needed to know why. Why was he always trying to convince her to leave?

What about her own feelings toward him?

She lowered her gaze, twisting a lock of her tangled hair around her finger. Her stomach flip-flopped about Stone's undeclared feelings for her.

What about Dan?

She held her breath as she closed her eyes and exhaled slowly.


"Do you need to sit down?" Gwen asked.

Hesitating, Aubree nodded. She wanted to brush the mats out of her hair and take a shower, but she really did need to sit for a minute and think about the situation.

She'd been in a car accident, was nearly strangled to death, found out that Stone had feelings for her—of which she was certain of having toward him as well—despite being engaged to Dan.

Could things get any more complicated and messed up now?

She sat down on her bed and Gwen sat next to her. The weight of everything pressed down on her shoulders and she leaned against Gwen for support, resting her head on her shoulder.

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