II. Chapter 34 | Part 2 - Stone

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Song: "Only You" by Jurrivh


After taking Aubree home, showering with her, and joining her on the bed in their room, they mated.

It was a slow and passionate unfurling of the love they harbored within their ruhi—their hearts and souls.

She was a rose in full bloom, and Stone caressed every inch of her soft silky flesh, unable to tear himself away.

He'd never mated with this much care, this much tenderness, as he relished in every curve and dip in her delicate body. He wanted all of her. Every precious inch of her skin, every brush of her fingertips against his flesh, every pounding beat of her heart, every breath of air that entered her lungs, and every moment of life that burned in her soul.

She was exquisite. Life, love, and beauty, and so much more. A gift that he could not refuse, and one that required his complete and utter devotion, protection, and utmost care and gentleness.

She was his, and he was hers. Their declarations set him free now that she had seen his beast and accepted it. Accepted him. All of him. Despite her fears, she opened her heart to him and he let her into his—truly this time.

After discarding several used condoms, they fell asleep.

Without marking her, the matebond remained unsealed. Stone still could not hear her thoughts, but that hardly mattered. A feeling akin to completeness filled him as he drifted off to sleep with her in his arms and her head resting against his chest.

He slipped away a few hours before dawn to hunt. He hadn't eaten anything since lunchtime, and Gwen woke him up, mentally demanding food. She hunkered down in the safe room in the basement, where Gavin had put her to keep her safe while he guarded the vicinity of the pack house.

When he returned about half an hour later with fresh meat, Aubree was awake and eating eggs with toast on the counter in the kitchen since the table had been destroyed the night before.

As he entered, completely naked, a blush warmed her cheeks as he approached and slipped his hand around the small of her back.

She'll get used to it—to his nakedness, anyway.

Dressed in that little white spaghetti-strapped nightie he saw her wearing in the first dream they shared together, she raised her large doe eyes to his as he bent down to give her a chaste kiss.

As he drew away, she eyed the pair of rabbits he clutched in his other hand. "For Gwen?"

He nodded.

Ignoring her half-eaten plate of food, she reached out for the rabbits. "Let me give them to her."

Tears prickled his eyes and he blinked them away as he pressed his forehead to hers and inhaled her warm, heavenly scent.

He mentally informed Gwen that he would be down shortly with her breakfast. Wanting to see Gwen's reaction, he omitted the fact that Aubree would be the one to give it to her.

His clipped tone worried Gwen, and she asked him if everything was okay.

Having kept his mind locked from the others since facing Aubree in his beast, no one knew what had transpired between them. He wanted to keep it that way until they came home.

Taking Gwen's meal down the stairs to the basement, Aubree followed him to the hidden safe room—a room dug twenty feet away from the house that had two entrances and exits, one connected by a narrow tunnel to the house and another that led out into the forest a hundred yards away.

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