[Chapter 6] Telling Anthony

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As I drove on the highway, I realized five things:

1) I have mixed feelings about Anthony 

2) Ian is going to be a problem, hopefully that I can handle... 

3) Seth was gone for good, and he's never coming back, no matter how hard I pray to some phony-boloney god 

4) My parents weren't here to help me with all of this...and it was their idea anyways

5) I'm starting school Monday, and I don't want to

I came back home around seven in the evening after a long day full of window-shopping, filling up the tank of my beat up Chevrolet pickup truck my dad had gotten me the day after we moved in, walking through record stores (remembering Seth, almost making me cry with everyone of his favorite albums I picked up), and eating fast food here and there.

Liam had fallen asleep on the couch. I put the keys down on the countertop and pulled a pot out of the cupboards.

I filled the pot with water and placed it on the stovetop and turned on the fire. I grabbed the Barilla pasta box out of the pantry.

I looked back in the living room to see if Liam was still asleep, of course he was. Then I heard a knock on the door.

My head jerked to where the noise emanated from. I looked back at Liam, he hasn't moved an inch.

I approached the door and looked through the peep hole. It was Anthony; he was swaying back and forth and his hands were in his pockets.

I opened the door and crossed my arms.


"What do you want?" I asked moodily.

"I want to apologize for how Ian acted and everything. He explained it to me and..."

"He told you about me?" I interrupted as I brought my hand over my mouth.

"What? He told me that his goldfish, Goldie, just died, so he was in a bad mood. What about you now?"

I relaxed in relief. "Nothing. Nothing."

He looked at me, wanting to say something, but nothing comes out of his mouth. He shakes his head slightly, as if having a slight spasm, "So, will you take your job back?"

"I just don't want to upset Ian. I think it would be best if I didn't see him."

"Please, Brooklyn?" He begged as he took a step closer to me. I just kept constant eye contact. "I really want you to work with us. It will be a good experience."

"I'm sure it will be." I replied. "But if Ian doesn't like me, I'm not going to take the job back. I'm sorry."

He rolled his eyes and exhaled loudly.

We stood there in silence for a short period of time, though it seemed like hours. I zoned out too, but quickly snapped back to reality when a thought crossed my mind. "Why don't you stay for dinner?" I pointed behind me, "I have a pot of boiling water on the stove. I'm making pasta. I was thinking we could get to know each other a little better, answer some questions too."

Anthony just gave me a blank stare. He shook his head and smiled "Yeah, sounds good."

We both started walking toward the kitchen, with me leading. I walked over to the pot and put the uncooked pasta in it. I gave the mixture a swirl with the plastic ladle I pulled from one of the drawers. Anthony sat down at the square small table my parents called our dining room table.

"So," I asked, turning around and leaning back on the countertop, "How old are you exactly?"

"Eighteen." He replied almost immediately. "So is Ian. We just moved in together about a few months ago. Our parents, more or so Ian's mom, didn't appreciate us making videos in their places, so yeah." He chuckled slightly. "We split the rent. Now, how about you? How old are you and why'd you move to California?"

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