[Chapter 14] Confessions to a Ghost

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I was sitting on my bed, listening to my mp3, trying to think of what to write for my English essay. She said to write about someone who means a lot to you. I couldn't choose, there were too many people.

"That's the one thing I do not miss about life on earth, homework."

I looked up and saw Seth in the corner of my room. I rolled my eyes. "You're an ass, you know, right?"

He winked, "Fully aware of it." He walked over to my bed and sat at the foot of it. "How...is it?"

"How is what?" I slowly set my folder, pen, and blank piece of college-ruled tablet paper down beside me.

"Life without someone you loved."

I sat back on my pillow that was sitting against the headboard. "Well, I can tell you it's not fun."

"Give me three adjectives to describe it."

I sighed. "Sad...paranoia constantly...and shocking."

He started to play with his thumbs. "Oh."

I leaned forwardf and crawled toward him. "How is it...there?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Three adjectives?" I shook my head. "It's really lonely...unrealistic for sure...but surprisingly peaceful."

I looked at him and my throat swelled up. "I really miss you, Seth."

He smirked, "I miss you too, Brooke."

I leaned forward to kiss his cheek, forgetting that he wasn't really there. It was just a misty, life-size, human-form apparition that shined like the moon that reflected off of a stagnant lake late at night. I sat back in disappointment.

"I ended the whole thing with Anthony, if you didn't already know." I stated out of the blue.

"Yeah, I know. I saw." He responded.

I placed my head in my hands and began to cry. I knew he touched my shoulder in sympathy when it felt like Jack Frost sneezed and the snot covered and froze it.

I sat back and wiped the running mascara off of my face with the sleeve of my sweatshirt. "You know, I hate to admit this, especially to you, Seth, but Anthony really means the world to me. And it absolutely killed me to hear that he's probably going to be moving in with his real girlfriend."

He just gave me a blank stare. Then he said, "Can I ask you something?"

I looked up at him, my eyes stung from the crying and how bright he was glowing.

"Do you really trust Ian?"

I hesitated for a moment, questioning myself. "Yeah, why?"

He stood up, "Just keep that question in mind." And he disappeared.

I extended my hand out to him in attempt to bring him back. I sat back and crossed my arms, there he goes again. Leaving me when I needed him most.

I looked back at the piece of paper and gasped. I scrambled over to it, pushing all of my blankets off of my bed and began to scribble words down.

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