Chapter 12

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I saw the black Range Rover as soon as I entered the parking lot outside the school on Monday morning. I decided it would be too awkward if I parked next to it, even though it was tempting to do so. I locked my own car somewhere else and walked along with the crowd of students into the school.

“Hi Amber,” Kelly said as I came to my locker.

“Did you have a fun weekend?” she asked. I couldn't help but smile. The weekend had probably been the weirdest one I've ever experienced. Freaking out about a random text that wasn't even meant for me, ending up at Elizabeth's (and Harry's house), sleeping like a baby in their guest room, meeting a lot of new people, followed by a car ride home with a really cute guy. Yep, it was fun alright, not to mention strange.

“Yes, I had,” I said and smiled back at her, before grabbing my stuff and heading to class.

I couldn't concentrate as much as I used too, though. I just kept thinking of the weekend, Elizabeth's nice and caring family, the adorable twins, the car ride home with Harry. Everything seemed pretty unreal, but It felt good to know that they supported me. They even said that I was welcome back at any time. Maybe I should visit them soon again, just to show them that I appreciated the offer.

As I stood in line to get some food at lunch, I couldn't help but turn around as his name entered my ears, causing my heart to pound a little faster. The first thing I saw was her, his girlfriend. I still didn't know her name, but I still wanted her hair though. She playfully hit his arm as he tickled her as he stood behind her in the line.

“Harry!! Stop!” she laughed, but tried her hardest to make him stop, people were looking. Including me. He did as she said and his green eyes looked up and right away locked with mine. Probably because I was staring at them like a cow.

“Amber!?” he asked with a confused look on his face, and I couldn't help but blush. Well, this became kind of awkward.

“Hi,” he said and a small smile was formed on his cute lips.

“Hi Harry,” was all I said before turning around again. The face his girlfriend gave me was everything except pleasant. I felt right away that she didn't like me at all, and didn't like the fact that I was talking to her boyfriend. I could still hear her whisper to him:

“Do you know her?”

“Just a friend to the family. That's all.”

The school was over, and guess what? I was going to the library. Again. It was one of those boring days, it was raining outside, it was pretty dark and I was very lonely. But, on the other hand, that wasn't something new. I guess the weather made it feel worse than it actually was. The day had just flown by in a blink of an eye. I didn't complain though, since I started to get really tired of school now.

I had just took my usual seat and opened my book when I heard footsteps coming towards me. I looked up from my book and saw him for the second time that day. He was alone now, thank god.

“Mind if I join you?” he asked.

“Not at all.” How did he know that I was here? He actually took his jacket off, was he planning on staying for a long time, or what? I could only hope so.

“I almost didn't recognize you with glasses on,” he said and looked at me with a smile that showed those adorable dimples of his.

“Yeah, I know. I only wear them when I read.” He nodded.

“I see,” he said and smiled again.

In that moment, time flew by even faster. I guess it was because we were having such a blast! I never thought that Harry would actually come to me in the library (apparently he had spotted me through the window as he walked by), have a seat next to me, helping me with my math homework, laughing together about random stuff and causing Mrs Wright to ask us to be quiet. Twice. It felt like some sort of dream, stupid I know, but it was what I'd been waiting for. To know that I was right about him, that he was the kind of guy that I thought he would be. He was funny, caring, helpful and really spontaneous. It felt like a start of a very good friendship, at least for me.

“How long have we been sitting here?” he asked and looked at his watch.

“I don't know,” I giggled and looked around to find that we were the only ones left. He looked back at me.

“I think I have to go,” he said.

“Yes, so do I.” I grabbed my bag and putted my coat on and walked together with him out of the library.

I actually pinched my arm when he couldn't see. It felt so great, all that tension that used to be between us seemed to be gone forever. I couldn't really understand that it had been there in the first place. But it was kind of weird to see him change so fast, from not wanting to talk to me, to this. It actually seemed pretty unreal. And maybe it was unreal. That's when the thought hit me:

It's Elizabeth. She made him do this, she knows that you don't have any friends. You're a loner Amber. And you always will be.

“Do you need a drive home?” Harry asked and made me leave my uncomfortable thoughts. I could feel my mood becoming worse, but I tried my hardest to keep that smile.

“No, it's okay. I have my own car. Thanks, though.”

“Okay.” And there it was again, the silence.

Thankfully, it didn't last very long. Harry broke it.

“Well, it was nice seeing you again, Amber. I had no idea we went to the same school. It was a pleasant surprise, for sure”

I just smiled.

“I'll see you around,” I said.

“Of course. Bye”

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I Want To Break Free ❤ Harry Styles FanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz