Chapter 15

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I put the phone back on the table with trembling hands. I slowly turned my head and looked out the window. I guess I should've expected somebody to stand there, but it was nothing but the dark night. I had forgotten to cover the window with my curtain, I guess that's why he, or she, saw me.

Since my flat was at the bottom floor, and I had forgotten about the curtains, the person that send me the text must've been standing outside the window, looking in at me. Seeing me sleep on the sofa instead of the bed. He or she was gone now, but the thought of someone standing outside and looking at me while I was sleeping gave me goosebumps. I guess he or she sent me that text, just to let me know that I was being watched. And I certainly know that now. Since it was the same person that sent the text before, I knew I wouldn't get to know who it was, because Elizabeth and I tried that before. Internet was surprisingly no help in this case.

I decided that I wouldn't let anyone know about this. Not even Elizabeth. I mean, what's the deal, we couldn't track the person down anyway. Might as well not worry anyone. I just wondered if I would be strong enough to handle this on my own.

I also decided that I wouldn't let it show. I would try my hardest to act like I usually do, and not show anybody how scared I actually was. I was supposed to study with Harry after school, and I had no plans on canceling it.

I walked to the window and covered it with the curtain and made sure that the door was locked one more time before climbing into bed. I felt surprisingly calm about this whole incident, but maybe it was because I was so tired. Or maybe I was just paralyzed because of the fear. If I'm lucky, I will think everything was just a dream tomorrow. But, like I said, that's only if I'm lucky.

I wasn't lucky. I don't think I've ever eaten my breakfast that fast before. I grabbed my things and literally ran to my car. Only after opening the car door and starting the engine, I could let out the breath I had been holding.

To my surprise, Kelly wasn't at the locker as she usually is. She is a proper girl, she would never be late for school.

It's probably nothing. She could be sick and stay home from school today. No big deal. You have enough problems of your own.

Another surprise was that Harry already sat at his usual seat in the library when I got there (yes, we had “our usual seats”). I used to be the one that arrived first. He looked very handsome in his Ramones t-shirt and his black, tight pants.

Still got a girlfriend!

“Hello!” I said as I sat down opposite him.

“Hi!” he said and looked up from the book that seemed to be about biology.

“I have something to tell you,” I said as I took the math test we had a few days ago up from my bag.

“Really? What?” he asked with curious eyes. I handled him the test. He looked at it as I sat there, nervous for his reaction. His eyes widened a bit, followed by that beautiful smile of his.

“I knew it! You got an A!” I nodded and smiled while he gave me a high-five.

“Thanks to you. You're apparently a great teacher,” I said as he passed the test back to me.

“But you were the one that answered those questions!”

“Yeah, guess you're right. What are you reading?” I asked and stretched my neck to see the words in his book.

“Biology,” he said with a small sigh. I thought so.

“Well, Styles. Today's your lucky day! Biology happens to be one of my favorite subjects.”

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