Step Foolery

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While we stayed in Via España's apartment, we met a lot of new friends from different nationalities. Cubans, Haitians, Jamaicans, Puerto Ricans and a little bit of everything. It was fun going up and down the stairs and just playing with new kids and having fun, just being kids. We spent a lot of our times with our cuban neighbors mom and the other moms made friends fast, so we would be there late on the weekends, while the grown ups have their get together and sometimes they would end up on the ground floor At the "IPANEMA DISCOTECA". Larry would be working some nights and come home grouchy and killed the party. I hated Larry. I stil dont do him. I remembered being invited to birthday parties next door that we couldnt attend just because we couldnt recite the 12 month of the year or tell the time correctly on a clock. In english. I knew them I hated him so I wouldn't care to say them. My sister was always nice and pure. She would try really hard then when it was my turn I would mess it up on purpose. I hated Larry because he took my mom from me. I was always with her when she wasn't working, now I didn't have her. I know I was spoiled. But not only was mom taken, I didnt even have Cuca anymore since they fought. I hated that my mom just gave him power over us. He was the one giving away whippings. He would wrap our legs with towels and whoop us with a belt. I guess he didn't wanted to make a mark on us. I couldn't believe my mom. He had the greatest idea of cutting a board it was a long ruler type of board. He came home with it and asked each of us to sign it. We were so eager to show our penmanship that we hurried up and signed it. Little did we know it became our own personalized spanking board. Mom and Larry fought a lot. He had bought himself a tiger, and he couldn't afford to feed it.(Figure of speech) Mom wasnt ready to be a boring wife in jolly ole Panama. There was way too much to do, to be couped up in an apartment all day, settling down so young. Even with kids. She had us early, she was 15 and 17 years old when we came into her world. We were 7 and 8 years old when she got married, making her 25 or so when she settled because she had kids. I get it now. I have kids but refused to marry a Larry. God forbid.

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