Between a Rock and a hard place

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I spent the majority of my childhood in a place name San Joaquin. This was the neighborhood that I loved. It wasn't always the safest one but it was home. I loved it there. We was forced to leave there when my great grandmother died. It was a fight over who deserves the house. My mom not wanting to press the issue just left. Even when gran left the house to her. She had Alzheimer's until she died. My mother's name was on the deed. Legally she could've kept the house. But she didn't wanted to pursue it that bad. So we went and stayed with my grandmother. Her name is Natividad. She was born on Christmas day. Another strong woman. She had 9 kids. My mother was her outside child. She was born to her first husband. My grandpa Dimas. For this reason and others my great grandmother raised my mom. She despised my step grandfather. He was mean. His name was Leonidas we called him papa Leo. He was dark skinned about 5'7, muscular built, flat footed, neat to death in appearance. He made his own starch, he washed his own clothes, iron, cooked like a chef, I mean he was a whole man. Mean and always worked. Multi skilled. He knew how to do anything in this world. Charming and highly promiscuous. He grew up an orphan in the jungles of Darien a province of Panama. He was self made and learned all his skill on his own. Even witchcraft.
This is why my great gran despised Him the most. She was a witch herself. Knew all the remedies and potions. But her and Leo feared each other level of evilness so they stayed away from each other. That's why she decided to take my mother. Her name is Zoraida. Gorgeous woman. Every man wanted her so she had few girlfriends. Coca cola bottle shape, long wavy hair, short petite and a big butt. Just breath taking. Still is at 56.
Zoraida married Larry, He was a soldier stationed in Panama at the time. They met and granny Natividad pushed the issue of marriage. We were staying with her and all 8 of her kids in an 4 bedrooms home. 14 people in total. Granny felt like it was time for Zoraida to Settle down. So she pushed against her own judgment, married Larry. Knowing absolutely no English or any of his background, all she knew is that he was single wanted to marry her with kids. She felt as though now or never. I believe she felt corner by the living arrangements and not wanting to live in the same house as Leo the devil. So it happened and just like that my sister's and mine life as we knew it, disappeared. Sad days, hours and minutes, came about. My mommy got in a plane and left us. Grandma told her to leave, go get a house and come back to get us. My sister Mirtha and I had the hardest life ever... it was the worst 10 years of our lives.

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