Chapter 6 - Boy Troubles

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Lily was ecstatic when lunchtime finally arrived. She bolted from her Calculus class and the soap opera going on there. For the last hour, she had to deal with the breakup of Brittany Vance and Heath O'Connell. Brittany caught Heath making out with his ex-girlfriend in his car before school.

While waiting in the lunch line, Lily felt a tap on her shoulder. "Hi, Hil," she said without turning.

"How do you do that?" Hilary asked.

"It's a gift." Lily mumbled, considering the choices. She grabbed a thing of fries and a slice of pizza and headed outside to the courtyard to enjoy the warm weather.

She moved around the fountain positioned in the center of the courtyard and spotted Dianna, already seated at a table. "Omigod," she said, as Lily sat down. Hilary was seconds behind her. "You will never believe what I heard." Dianna was practically foaming at the mouth with excitement. She was a gossip junky. She knew everything about everyone before anyone else. Except, of course, for Lily.

"Is it juicy?" Hilary asked.

"Fresh squeezed." Dianna pushed her tray forward to lean over the table, practically salivating to serve up a heaping helping of salacious news. "Brittany and Heath broke up."

"No way." Hilary said.

Dianna went on to explain the details to Hilary. Lily, already knowing this, tuned them out and scanned their surroundings. She told herself that she was looking for Jack. In truth, she was trying to find Duncan.

She was so focused on her search that she didn't sense the person coming up behind her until a pair of arms encircled her. She let out a tiny yelp of surprise as she was dipped backwards. She heard the laughter and knew that it was Jack before she opened her eyes to see his smiling face. He planted a kiss on her that was borderline inappropriate for school.

Her head swam as he righted her and took the empty spot next to her, straddling the bench. He scooted close to her and rested his chin on her shoulder. "Can I have one of those?" he asked when she ate one of the extremely salty french fries. He opened his mouth and waited.

She stuffed a fry in his mouth. "You can have the rest. I'm finished, now." She pushed her tray in front of him.

Jack scarfed the fries down by the handful, but that was nothing compared to Hilary's boyfriend, who had just joined them, with double helpings of everything. Eric had a way with the lunch ladies, always managing to get extra of anything he liked. It might have something to do with the fact that he shamelessly flirted with them, making the old ladies giggle like teenagers.

Lily continued her search for Duncan. She could feel his presence. She hadn't stopped feeling it since the moment they touched. It was like he was calling out to her, beckoning her to find him.

"I heard there was some excitement in your English class." Jack said after ate last of Lily's pizza that she'd left unfinished.

"What are you talking about?" Lily asked, only half paying attention.

Jack licked the pizza residue from his fingertips before saying, "Drew told me there was flirting going on with you and the new kid."

Lily turned her head to stare at him with openmouthed indignation. "Drew needs to mind his own damn business. I didn't do anything."

Jack grabbed her chin, stroking her bottom lip with his thumb. "I know, baby." He stretched forward to give her a small kiss. The salt from the fries lingered on his lips.

"You're not mad at me?" Lily was surprised. She expected him to fly into some sort of jealous tirade after the hotheaded way he'd been reacting lately.

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