Chapter 19 - Fall Fest

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It wasn't long before Sebastian's resumed his annoyingly flirtatious behavior. Lily tried to ignore Sebastian in the vain hope that he would get the hint and leave her alone, to no avail. Over the next week, he left risqué notes in her locker; he even sent a bouquet of roses to her house, which she promptly lit on fire with a spell. All of this while he was dating Veronica, who couldn't have known, since she hadn't tried to kill Lily, yet. In fact, she paid Lily almost no attention.

To keep herself from setting him on fire, Lily busied herself with her club duties. She'd seriously neglected them since Duncan arrived, barely paying attention in the weekly meetings. She was glad when three of her clubs started readying their booths for Fall Fest. The annual carnival—to raise money for charity—was one of her favorite events of the year.

With three days left until the start of Fall Fest, Lily stayed after school in the auditorium to paint signs. Her bubble letters and curlycues looked pitiful compared to the beautiful works Hilary produced for Art Club and Spanish Club, but they were better than Dianna's efforts for Drama Club, which were just photos of actors glued to poster board.

Everyone else had already gone for the day when Lily heard a door open. She assumed that one of the others had left something, or perhaps Dianna had returned from her manicure to take Lily home, since Duncan was at work.

Lily groaned when she saw Sebastian, sauntering down the steps toward her. "What are you doing here?" she asked, not even trying to hide her disdain.

"I realized that I need to be more philanthropic." Sebastian stopped at the edge of the stage to watch her. "So, I volunteered to help out with Fall Fest."

Lily highly doubted that was true. He didn't do anything without a benefit to him. "We have all the help we need. So thanks, but no thanks."

Sebastian hopped onto the stage easily, even though there were stairs not ten feet from him. "Are you the final word on all things Fall Fest?"

"As far as you're concerned." Lily returned to her painting.

"C'mon, Lily, when are you gonna drop this attitude and just admit you have feelings for me?" He actually sounded like he believed it. Like, in his mind, there was no way she could dislike him.

"You really have too high an opinion of yourself. The only feelings I have for you are loathing and outrage."

"Our little repartee is way too passionate for you not to be harboring some kind of deep-seeded longing." Sebastian bent over, pressing his hands to his knees. He lowered his voice, as if to speak a secret. "I think you're denying your feelings because you have a boyfriend. Although, frankly, you can do much better. I mean, that guy doesn't deserve you. He's a chump. A total loser."

Lily threw down her paintbrush, leaving a streak of blue paint on the wood floor of the stage. She shot up to her feet, nearly knocking him over. She could tolerate his self-aggrandizing and his annoying egoistical attitude. She could even withstand his never ending flirting. But she would not let him insult someone that she loved. She narrowed her eyes to slits, leaning close to him. "Don't ever say anything about him again. Do you understand me?"

"Did I hit a nerve?" Sebastian flashed his stupid half-smile that she wanted to slap off his face. "I had no idea you cared so much about the poor and needy. I have needs, too. Ones that only you can meet." He brushed his finger across her cheek. It came away with a spot of blue on the tip. "How about we go somewhere so I can clean this paint off of you?"

Lily smacked him across the face so hard it left his cheek red.

He burst into laughter. Clearly, he was more than just delusional, he was psychotic.

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