Chapter 14

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She knew black was the perfect color during missions—especially during night time. And she just got the perfect gray turtleneck long sleeves, a pair of white tight pants, and a pair of amazing black boots—with heels of course. It was such a struggle to keep her hands away from the silver earrings and bracelets. She knew her outfit—especially her pants would give her away in one look.

Don’t, Angelica, they catch light. And light catches attention. No earrings for now.

She paced around her room, thinking of the speech she would do when Henry found her out. It would be an apocalyptic event, she was sure. But she was just so damned curious of what he was working on and what really went on during a mission that she desperately wanted to follow him. And yes, of course, she was concerned for his safety.

He might get shot and he will need a fantastic doctor like me.

Angelica had put out the light in her room a long time ago, pretending she was tired and needed to go to sleep. Henry was busy with something that he did not mind. And when she finally heard the door open and close, she crept towards her bedroom door and opened it a crack. He was gone. Carefully, she walked out, almost crouching to the ground to see if he was not in his room. She straightened when she was finally sure that he was gone and then got her phone and dialed his number.


Henry was in the car when his phone rang. “What?” he asked.

“I need to go out so you might get an alarm that your door opened,” Angelica’s voice said from the other line.

“It’s in the middle of the night, Angelica.”

“But my patient’s dying. Don’t worry, someone’s picking me up.”

He thought hard for a minute. “Who’s taking you to the hospital?”

“I called a colleague and she said she’ll drop me there. She’s on her way now. My patient had a sudden attack and I need to be there.”

“Okay, okay. But be sure to answer your phone when I call,” he warned.

“Yes, yes, thank you!”

It was not a few seconds later when he saw the alarm beep, indicating his apartment door was opened. He pushed a button and it turned off. He concentrated back on the task at hand. Angelica would be safe at the hospital.


Angelica hurried towards her rented car. The new one was still on the way so took the trouble of renting one and had it brought outside Henry’s apartment building that afternoon. She sped away, trying hard to keep in sight Henry’s car which was a long way ahead. She better step on it if she wanted to stay longer in this adventure she had put herself into.

Excitement and apprehension raged through her veins as she ran a red light. Third time for her. Okay, that was a lie. She ran red lights a lot of times doing the same thing: chasing men. But now she was chasing a man for a different reason: to be there when he needed her.

Luckily, the streets were almost empty and she was able to follow Henry about ten meters away. She smiled wickedly. He wouldn’t be able to recognize her this time. She got a plain silver Honda and it was too common to even get a second look from anybody.

She tried to keep her distance especially when he left Park Avenue and turned right, and then left again until they reached 6th Avenue. She knew his trick. He was trying to lose someone who was not even there—well, she was there but he didn’t know that. He was just plain paranoid. It was minutes later that she realized where he was going when she knew the road he was taking was going to lead them towards Canal Street.

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