Chapter 16

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Angelica woke up feeling something cold on her face. With heavy lids, she opened her eyes and frowned. With one hand, she touched her right cheek and gasped when she saw a red stain on her fingers. She didn’t have to smell it to confirm what it was.

Lifting her head, she looked down at Henry’s shoulder. “Henry!” She shook him.

“What?” he croaked, turning away from her.

“You’re bleeding!” she cried out and jumped out of bed. Then she remembered she was naked and grabbed a robe and put it on. “Henry, wake up!” she cried at him, grabbing the phone. “Hello, yes, this is Ms. Dalton. Can I have a first aid kit? No, I haven’t checked. In the bathroom? Okay, yes, yes, thanks.” Before running toward the bathroom door, she gave Henry one last shake. “Wake up! If you don’t rise this instant, I’m going out and catch myself a salmon and I won’t be back.”

“What?” he asked, his voice incredibly husky and definitely tempting. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“You’re bleeding!” she pointed at his shoulder, the gauze and bandage soaked with blood. “Oh, you’re impossible!” she said with frustration and whirled around to find the kit in the bathroom. When she found it and rushed out the door, she saw him still sprawled on the bed. “Henry, this is my last warning,” she nudged him. She turned him around and pressed on his wound.

“Aaw!” he cried out, his eyes now completely open.

“I told you it was my last warning.”

“What? Are you crazy?” he cried. “No, don’t answer that,” he added with a moan.

“Get up and let me dress it,” she ordered and pulled at his hand. “I told you this would happen,” she muttered.

“Like you won’t jump at me if I didn’t make the first move,” he murmured, yawning.

“Stay still,” her forehead creased with concentration.

He bent down and watched her work. “You’re really good at this,” he uttered.

“I know that,” she replied, her lips pursed.

“Poor me, I was planning on driving today,” he sighed with exaggeration.

“And poor me, I have to drive the whole day again.”

“I’m hungry,” he changed the subject.

“We’ll get breakfast and then we’ll leave.”

“Where are we going?”

“I don’t know… somewhere.”


Henry was starting to like that word. Somewhere.

He was enjoying the trip. He even did not bother turning on his phone, knowing the moment it would ring, he would have that same urge to go back home again.

But somewhere would be a nice place to call home for now and he would be glad to go there with Angelica.

Yesterday, he learned a lot about her he never imagined he would when he met her. And it was getting complicated. The deeper he kept up with this, the deeper his feelings would be involved.

After Angelica helped him dress and dressed herself as well, they went down to eat breakfast and of course, well, there were a lot of Salmon dishes.

“You have to eat a lot. Fish is protein, protein builds up your cells. Eat,” Angelica told him, placing a lot of food on his plate.

“You’re not eating,” he pointed out.

“I don’t really like fish. They stink. And I’m not wounded,” she said, sipping her coffee.

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