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Going down one hall of cells, led to another. Then another and another. Jonathan and her were soon lost in this maze of empty cells, both breathing heavily as seconds turned to minutes.

Maria knew they both couldn't keep running for long. Jonathan looked exhausted and still slightly distant. And he clearly was in pain, though he denied it. Now and then she would see him hold a hand to his ribs, making her think he had fractured some. While she was just not used to running with her heart condition.

Jonathan caught her worried gaze again as he sat on the floor, leaning against a cell door. "I'm fine." He sighed.

Maria turned her head away and looked around a corner to another hall to avoid eye contact. But then she turned back with a annoyed look in her eyes, as she glanced at him.

"Well honestly we both know that you are lying. Second I have no clue on how to get out of here. This part of Arkham seems to stretch forever."

Jonathan stood up with a wince. "Bolton added another building to Arkham as soon as he was the new Warden. It was designed to hold the most dangerous criminals, and only a few selected people were aloud in this section of Arkham."

"Did you figure that out?"

"I didn't. Bolton just talks a lot."

She smiled, and Jonathan looked unnerved at her sudden change of mood.

"Do you know a way out?" She asked.

He shook his head. "Unfortunately, no."

Maria stood silent for a second then thought of something. "Is it way too quiet or is it just me?" She asked frowning.

Jonathan also frowned. "Either everyone already left or we're more lost than we originally thought."

"Lets find out then."

Maria unhooked a small grenade from her belt, and threw it down the hall. Quickly ducking around the corner with a dumbstruck Jonathan. A loud boom sounded as fire swarmed up behind the corner, collapsing in on itself as rubble from the ceiling came down. Smoke poured from the cracks mixed with dust and plaster as it settled.

Maria and Jonathan waited in a tense silence till they heard heavy footsteps coming on their right. She drew her knife and held it in a throwing stance. And as the figure appeared from around the corner, she threw it hard, hitting the Batman in the stomach.

He stumbled as she and Jonathan stared at him in shock.

"I'm so so sorry!" She exclaimed darting forward. Grabbing the knife as he withdrew it from his suit. "Did I puncture something? A lung? Kidney?"

"He's fine." Jonathan stated calmly from behind her. "There's no blood. The worst he has is probably a bruise."

"Says the man who has no blood but fractured ribs!"

"I do not-"

"Yes you do!"

Batman cleared his throat, making them both glare at him. "Maria..." He said slowly. "Why are you here?"

"Why am I here?" She repeated angrily. "Because you wouldn't help me!"

"You wanted to do illegal acts to break the Scarecrow out of Arkham."

"Cause I knew what Bolton was capable of! And if you had listened to me, we wouldn't be in this mess to begin with."

Batman gave her the cold shoulder and turned to Jonathan. He tossed him a small screen. "That will lead you both out. But if I run into you guys again after I catch Bolton, both of you will be placed into police custody."

He then turned away with a flare of his black cape, and disappeared into the shadows of the slightly smoke filled hall.

After a moment, Jonathan chuckled. "He has a sign of a guilty conscience."

"Probably right." She murmured. "But at least we have a way out."

"Yes, yes we do." He agreed.




"Wait, right?"

"No, left!"

"But you said-"

"I was basically saying yes, which means correct Maria."

"Then why didn't you say so!?"

"I just did!"

"No, you didn't... Never mind, forget it!"

"We both know you won't."

Maria stopped walking to turn back around and glare at him. "Why can't you be a bit nice since I rescued you?"

Jonathan opened his mouth to say something, then stopped as something dawned on him. "When did you last take your medication?"

"Why? What does that have to do with this?"

"Because I might've altered your medication."

"You did not." She said doubtfully.

"I was seeing if it had better side effects while you were on it and off it."

"When did you do that?"

"Two days before we went after Bolton at that Charity Ball."

"Then the must explain the feeling of me wanting to kill you right now." She replied smiling evilly.

"But you won't."

"Of course I won't." She sighed. "Now please let me see the screen, so I can take over navigating us out of here."

He handed it over reluctantly.

"Freedom, here we come." She murmured.

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