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School yesterday was boring as hell, we did nothing and Mason left me alone so everything was all good. There was one problem, someone had seen me as me and Mason at the oval yesterday and the person happened to take a photo at the worst time, they took it when Mason was whispering into my ear and in the photo it looks like he is kissing my neck.

How have I seen the photo you may ask? Well it's literally floating around school and everyone is asking the question 'who is Mason's mystery girl?' And what I feel like shouting out is 'she isn't Mason's f**king girl!' Mason isn't denying any of it but he in saying it happened either.  It was the talk all day and it was frustrating me waking around the halls hear about 'Mason's mystery girl' apparently someone over heard Mason talking to his best friend Ray and he was talking about her 'sexy body.' Can they at least have some respect?

By the end of the day I was mentally exhausted shouting at everyone in my head all day really does drain you.

Today I woke up angry for two reasons, one the events of yesterday, meaning the entire school seeing a photo of me and Mason so everyone jumps to conclusions and is now trying to find out who the mystery girls. and two because today I have PE, meaning we were actually going to fight/defend ourselves but most of the people are excited because they get to beat people up without getting in trouble. But for me I have to pretend I hate it like it isn't the best thing in the world I have to pretend I don't know what I'm doing when really I know exactly what I'm doing even if I had my eyes closed.

Sometimes I wonder what life would be like if I didn't wear a disguise. I probably would be named the bad girl because I wouldn't give two shîts about anything or anyone. I would still get 100% on every test because I've learnt everything already meaning I can go to college if I want to. Every boy in school will probably won't to 'get in with me', I'm not going to lie, I have the looks and at one point I did take advantage of it but Jake got me out of that stage.

I think about it all on the drive to school, to be honest it can't be that bad, can it? What if one day I turned up at school with my blonde locks running down my back and I would be wearing a crop top, short shorts and cute booties. Then at lunch time put everyone out of their misery and tell them who I am, leaving out the fighter part, of course.

I arrive at school at the time I do everyday, I'm trying to not show the anger on my face but I'm also feeling  sorry for the person I have to defend myself against in PE today, I hope I don't wear their lunch at the end of it.

Leading up to lunch was slow and painful, when there is a topic involving Mason Hunter it isn't dropped easily and to say it will be all over tomorrow is a lie because no doubt tomorrow even the teachers will know about it. As long as they don't know it's me everything is as good as a sparkly diamond, I would say as good as gold but I don't like gold and diamonds are so much better.

I didn't eat much for lunch the nerves of what could happen in PE really getting to me, what if I really injure someone I don't really have control when fighting.

I get changed into my clothes for sport and make my way to the gym, not many people are here yet so I just sit on the benches and wait for the teacher. In no time at all the gym is filled with students and the teacher follows in seconds later.

"OK class today we start. I've pair you up with people for the first rounds and from there you will continue fighting others, the people that are beaten will be out of the competition and the people who win will keep going. Girls will fight girls and boys will fight boys but in the finals it will be mixed. Does everyone understand?" Everyone gives a slight nod to mr John and in no time he is reading out names.

"Blake Smith and Charlotte Rowling" I don't even register that my name had been called out until Charlotte opens her bitchy mouth, "oh look I get to bash up the nerd and no one can tell me off for it." Her minions giggle at what was said and I just sit there silently killing the bitch in my head.

Each fight was one at a time so everyone watched each other, Charlotte and I just happened to be up first. It was obvious everyone thought Charlotte would win, even Mr John was rooting for her. Let me introduce you to  Charlotte Rowling, just one of the three, the three are the three biggest bitches in the school they all compete with each other for popularity and boys. Charlotte is the sporty one she has abs and muscle but not to much she is gorgeous but horribly mean, one of many things the three have in common, they all want Mason Hunter.

Charlotte and I both walked up to the fighting ring. She was dressed is a tight tank top and short Nike shorts while I was dressed in and over sized jumper and tight three quarter pants.

"Bring it nerd." Charlotte was trying to be intimidating but that won't work on me.

She threw the first punch aiming straight at my face, it wasn't hard to block it with a slight duck, I would of brought my fist around to collide with her stomach but I wanted to tire her out and throwing a punch while ducking is a bit professional. There were a few gasps when I dodged her punch even Charlotte looked taken back. She threw more punches and I dodged them all. She then went to punch my face with her left arm and as I was dodging that I saw her right arm come around to collide with my face, the only thing I could do was take the punch or catch it and I wasn't letting her touch me to I brought my hand up and caught her fist before it could reach my face. I had enough of playing around so I swiped my leg under her ankles and sent her body backwards and onto the ground she tried getting up but I send a punch to her stomach making her winded and I was named the winner.

As I was getting out of the ring the look on everyone's face was priceless I almost laughed but held it in and I went to sit at the back. Next up was Mason and Harry who was on the football team, this could be a pretty fair fight they both have plenty of muscle and both love winning.

Harry wasn't smart as soon as Mr John said start Harry charged for Mason, Mason stepped out of the way with ease and Harry went flying into the ropes. I watched Mason carefully he was being smart watching Harry's every move not yet making a move until he had figured him out, it's one of my many moves when fighting although I do it a lot quicker. Mason soon looked like he was over the whole chasing thing and punched Harry's right shoulder then an uppercut to the stomach and Harry tapped out. Either Harry is pretty weak or Mason has a strong punch because no one is usually down with only two punches.

The rest of the class did there fighting/defending and before I knew it the bell signalled the end of the day, I walk towards my car I just can't wait to get home and go for a run then a swim and do what ever I want anything to get everything off my mind. I am stopped on the way to my car again but this time I'm stopped by Charlotte.

"Can I help you?" I don't want to beat her up twice in one day.

"No one can know about what happened today in PE!" Why didn't I see this coming.

"That's not up to me because last time I checked I beat you up in front of the whole class so they all saw it and apparently a few people recorded it. I think I'm the least of you worries." She looks like wants to cry, I mean she is meant to be scary but when the whole school finds out she was beaten up by the nerd all the people she has bullied in the past will be after her.

I get in my car and make my way home. I'm not in the mood to talk with Jake so I get into my bikini and go for a swim to relax myself. When I got out I had a shower and did all my homework. Jake knew I was in a mood so he put dinner on my desk when I was in the shower he knows from experience to not cross me when I'm in a mood it doesn't always turn out good. I call it a night because  I have to get my sleep for my fight tomorrow night.


Hey guys thanks you for being patient while I was on holiday I had a really good time but I missed writing heaps I'm glad I'm back.

Happy Australia Day 🇦🇺

I hope you like the first little insight of Blake's fighting.

Thank you for reading and I loved reading the comments when I said I'll be away for a few days they are very funny.

Love you all heaps. Please comment vote and share it means a lot thank you xx

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