Bonus Chapter

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I was standing there in the living room of my brothers house. I looked around at the people sounding me, Jake, Mason, Logan, Johnny, Stella and Lucy.

Now you may be wondering who Stella is? Well she is Jake's secret lover that he hid from me for years. You know that tinder account I made for him? Yeah well he found out about it and I thought he had deleted it but he found an old friend from school on there, Stella. Anyway they talked and started meeting up, that explained why he came home late some nights, he just never told me he was dating and it kind of hurt but I'm over it now. Stella and I are close and she's like a sister to me, I'm glad my brother found someone.

Lucy is Logan's girlfriend, yep that's right Logan finally settled down. Trust me we were all surprised when he told us that he had a girlfriend but she is good for him she keeps him on his toes.

Johnny works at my gym as a personal trainer and manager for when I'm not there.

"Anyone want a water?" I ask as I make my way to the kitchen.

"No thanks." Everyone chimes at once.

I make it to the kitchen after wobbling the whole way, this baby just doesn't want to come out. I reach down to grab a glass when a sharp pain shoots through my body, I bite my lip thinking it's just the baby kicking but as I come back up it happens again and I cry out in pain dropping the glass in the process.

Mason comes rushing in closely followed by everyone else.

"What's wrong Bell? What happened?" He asks coming up behind me keeping me steady.

"The... baby..." I say between painful breathes.

"Oh my gosh." With that Mason scoops me up bridal style and carries me all the way to the car and buckling me in. I find that everyone else is piling into their own cars not wanting to miss anything. With Mason's fast but safe driving we make it to the hospital in record time. Once again I am picked up bridal style and Mason almost runs into the hospital.

"Wheelchair! We need a wheelchair. She's going into labour." A wheelchair suddenly appears in front of us and Mason places me in it, as soon as I'm seated I feel liquid run down my leg.

"Umm babe, I think my water just broke." I almost whisper to Mason.

Suddenly doctors and nurses coming running and I'm taken down several hallways till we reach a vacant room. I am lifted on the bed and almost right away I am told to start pushing.

"Come on baby you got this I'm here." Mason says as I squeeze his hand tighter and tighter. Suddenly Jake comes through the doors coming to my other side and grabbing my hand.

"I'm here sis, do what you have to do." I scream once again and sweat is coming from every possible place on my body.

"This is your fault Mason you put your big thing inside me." I continue pushing.

"I know baby, I know." He whispers.

"Ok I can't do this anymore I'm about to faint." Jake say releasing my hand and pretty much running out of the room. In no time he is replaced by Stella and I'm glad to have a girl in the room. I suddenly feel a release and then the quiet sound of a baby crying.

"Keep pushing!" The nurse shouts and Mason shoots me a look saying 'what the hell' and I send one as best I can that says 'you'll see.'

I push and push while my baby is taken away to be cleaned. It isn't long after that the next release comes and another round of quiet cries is heard. I smile and sigh in relief that my babies are safe and I can finally see them.

"Congratulations, a boy and a girl." The nurse announces carrying the babies over.

"Twin? Since when?" Mason says as he holds our little boy.

"I found out in one of my later check ups the little bugger was hiding, I wanted to surprise you." I say looking down at my little girl.

"What should we name them?" Mason asks.

"Well our little man should be Riley Jake Hunter." I say with a massive smile.

"You want to name our baby after my brother?" Mason asks with tears in his eyes.

"Of course I do, I couldn't imagine him having any other name."

"What about our little princess?" Mason asks.

"I don't know you choose." I say and he looks in deep thought.

"Victoria Grace Hunter." Wow this man really does touch my heart with this one.

"Victoria, named after my mother. Thank you I love it."

I hear a sniffle from next to me and I turn to see Stella watching us.

"You guys are so beautiful." I don't know if she is talking about the babies or me and Mason.

Mason hands Riley over to Stella and says he will be back in a tick before exiting the room. One minute later he walks back in followed by everyone. As soon as they step foot in the room they all freeze.

"Twins?" Jake say voicing everyone else's thoughts.

"Surprise! I would like you guys to meet, Riley Jake Hunter and Vitoria Grace Hunter."  I say and Jake almost jumped out of the roof when he heard the two names.

"You guy are officially the best name givers ever." He says with love even though his sentence sounded stupid. He walked over to Stella who was holding Riley.

"I can't wait for this little one to come out so they can all be best friends." Jake says rubbing Stella's tummy. It's a funny story as to why Stella is pregnant, it went a bit like this.


Jake and Stella were sitting in our living room waiting to hear the news we had to give.

"I'm pregnant." I said without hesitation. I would have expected Jake to, well I didn't really know what I was expecting from him but I didn't expect he would do what he did.

"How long have you known, oh my gosh Stella we need to go up stairs and make a baby right now, I want our babies to be best friends and that can't happen if we don't have a baby." He stood up and grabbed Stella's hand pulling her along, "There is no time to waste. Oh congratulations by the way!" Jake shouts half way up the stairs. Yep they were upstairs in my house conceiving a baby.


Stella is due in about one month and the two couldn't be anymore excited.

I had never been so happy in my while life, all the people I love in one room and my two new additions already killing us of cuteness.


A/N Officially the very end, I hope you liked the end I just thought it really need this to finish off so you could see where all the other characters are and I just decided I wanted Blake to have twins last minuet mainly because I love twins.

Thank you lovely readers for reading and I'm so happy to have reached past 2k reads honestly makes my day xx

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