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        "Are you both excited?" Doctor Joy asked as she put on her gloves. "Frederick, you must be buzzing with excitement. And Eva, it will be the first time you carry a child." The smile she had on her face certainly matched my own. Frederick grabbed my hand and I immediately tensed up. We made eye contact, he smiled softly. And when I finally relaxed, he winked and addressed the doctor. I let out a breath.

        It was finally the day of insemination. I had been nervously waiting for the past month. Not that I wanted to be pregnant as soon as possible, but I definitely wanted to stop injecting all these hormones into my body. They did not help with my sleep or my nightmares.

         I was an emotional wreck but I think given everything, I wasn't horrible. It was just my mind playing horrible tricks on me.

        "We've been going to therapy. Both together and Eva alone to make sure she is mentally ready to carry a child for nine months. It's done us both some good I think. We are in a good place." Frederick announced to the doctor who seemed fairly busy with what she was doing.

         I didn't fail to notice that he purposely didn't mention Karlie and the fact that sometimes, she attended the sessions that he and I did together. Or the fact that it was her idea to do so.

         "What about you, Eva? How are you doing? You're ready?"

        I shrugged and realized that she couldn't see me. "I'm okay, just nervous, I guess." I answered, staring at the ceiling.

          "Okay, I'm going to have you finally open your legs. Don't worry, this is pretty quick and not too invasive."

          I nodded my head and closed my eyes to control my breathing. " We'll be done soon." She said. I tried to not think too much of the fact that Frederick was holding my hand and watching as it all happened.


         "Alright, we are done, you can get off the bed and get dressed." She told me as I lifted my head to watch her take the gloves off.

         "That's it?" I simply had to make sure I heard her right.

         "Yes. Like I told you, it's a pretty quick procedure. " she answered before throwing her gloves in the trash can sitting in the corner of the room. She turned back to face us, I sat up.  "Okay, so from now on, I would say let's wait two weeks for a pregnancy test using blood. And if we're lucky, you'll be pregnant." She explained.

          Wow, I didn't think it was going to be this simple and quick. To me it was going to take many more weeks of tests and injections before we could transfer the embryo inside me.

        But now here I was. There was no going back. I just hoped everything would be smooth sailing.

          "What are the chances of it working the first time around?" Frederick was asking.

          "It honestly is a case by case basis. I could give you percentages, but at the end of the day, if it is meant to work on the first try, it will. Some couples are really lucky and some are not so much." She answered. "Some also have better luck going at it the natural way than others. It really depends on the couple. But I don't think it should take too long with you guys." She reassured him as she got up.

          I was just listening to them speak, but in the back of my mind, I kept going over the fact that I was going to possibly be carrying someone else's child. I looked over at Frederick then and smiled; And this man was going to be the father that child, a child that beside birthing, had no right to.


      "And you said two weeks right?" Frederick spoke out, addressing the doctor.

           "Yes, that's correct."

          "Would there be any way to know sooner than two weeks?"

             "Unfortunately two weeks is the soonest we can find out," the doctor smiled. "But rest assured dad, two weeks will go by so fast that you won't see it coming."

          I bit my lips, watching their interaction and wondering if they even knew that I would rather not know the results. I hadn't moved from the bed yet, just biding my time even though the doctor had said it was safe to get up, I just wanted to be safe than sorry, as the saying often goes.

         "So, what if it fails?" Frederick, always the optimist...not, asked again, which made me roll my eyes at him. I smirked. thanks for being a downer. I thought but of course, didn't voice it out loud.

        "Well, if it doesn't work, we try again next month. But I'm sure it'll work. We picked the strongest embryo to implant." She answered.

         I honestly never would have thought, in a million years, and with the way my life was going, that I would find myself here.

         I wondered what my parents would say if they knew how my life was turning out. Not that it mattered, they have never cared about me. Not really. It was always about my father's political career in our small town.

       My mother enjoyed the wealth and popularity that came with my father's career. So of course she would be united with my father, no matter what.

        Now my sister. My little sister was the one who broke my heart most. I tried so hard with her. I tried to raise her to be good. I tried to keep her from turning just like them. And there was a moment when I thought I did. But I soon found out that I was lying to myself.

         So it was just me for a short time before I met Billie and Mrs. Winslet. They are the ones I cared the most about. What they thought mattered to me and they understood why I was doing this.

           So I wanted this to work. I didn't want to have to inject yourself with drugs every nights for another month. That could get tiring pretty quick, especially since it freaking hurt so much.

       "So in case it doesn't work this month, would I have to take those drugs again? I asked the doctor. Even knowing the answer to that question.

       "Yes, unfortunately that is what you'll have to do to have a higher chance of success."

        We left the clinic the same way we had come in. Just as excited and nervous. Frederick, at least, was able to hide his feelings very well. Probably a very good thing to master in the business world.

Wow. Trying to rewrite a story that's been completed a couple of years ago, without changing the concept, is really freaking hard. Lol   help me out by voting. It's very appreciated :)

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