~Forty Nine~

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(Four months later)

         "Babe, I swear you're doing this on purpose." Frederick chuckled as he followed behind, Arden in his hands babbling mostly nonsense and amazingly staring at the crowd of people all around us in the airport, most of them trying to hurry in order not to miss their plane.

            "I'm hungry. Craving some overpriced, fairly decent, airport food." I looked back for a second to meet his eyes and smile at my daughter who responded with the most genuine smile, showing off all six of her teeth. I laughed and turned around to watch where I was going before I tripped on something because that definitely was not going to be so great. "I just really want those soft pretzels." I said and kept walking.

          "Seriously? You're telling me we are having to deal with this crowd because you want some pretzels that I'm sure we could have easily bought once we arrived in Paris?"

           I laughed silently. "Uhm, well yeah, that's exactly it. Just remember it all the next time you want to get me pregnant again, alright buddy?" I stopped in front of the little Kiosk Frederick, Arden and I had been looking for, for the past fifteen minutes and smiled innocently at him. He shook his head and smiled before passing me Arden who started chanting "Mama" and clapping her hands.

          "Good try here, Chambers but I still want that boy I told you about." He replied before pulling out a twenty dollars bill out of his pockets which he handed over to the older woman behind the counter who had completely dismissed us as she was interracting with Arden as if she could understand what the baby was saying. I seriously wanted to laugh. Bless her.

           "Hi, can we please have five of the sugar cinnamon and five of the regular ones please?" Frederick smiled at the woman while he placed the order and handed her the twenty before turning his attention back on me.

            "All I'm saying is that if I were you, I would at all cost avoid getting me pregnant for a third time knowing how annoying it could get with the midnight runs to restaurants and stores and whatnots." I said, grabbing the bag from the woman who was trying to hand it over to Frederick as if he was the one who wanted it. Over my dead body, yeah.

           We thanked the woman, told her to keep the change and started walking back to the door of the fixed base operator facility we had walked out of.

           "I'm not changing my mind on the subject, so you might as well give up now. I don't want to be the only male in the house full of girls and women. Do you think four against one is fair?" He asked, walking next to me while I laughed at his logic.

           I couldn't say I didn't see his point which is why I had wanted for this baby I was carrying to be a boy, but, as we learned a week ago at the checkup, that wasn't going to happen.

           Deciding that I would rather start eating while it was still warm, I opened the paper bag and started digging into it for one of the cinnamon sugar covered soft pretzels and broke off a small part which I handed to Arden who grabbed on to it very willingly and immediately put it in her mouth without even knowing what it was because that's what babies did.

          I had decided long ago that I wasn't going to stress too much and freak myself out over the things that she put in her mouth as long as they weren't dangerous because that was how babies learned.

          "Listen, babe," I started with a mouthful because that's where we were in our relationship and I really couldn't be bothered. I definitely had my moments. "I understand, okay? Trust me I get it, but I really don't think I want to be pregnant again after this one. Being pregnant is just really hard. People don't tell you how hard it's going to be because I swear if they did, no one would ever want to get pregnant and the human race would be extinct. So they lie and say it's just wonderful and people lie to your face about pregnancy glow as if I don't know that it's just simply because I'm sweating buckets."

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