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Chapter Eleven: Sleeping Arrangements

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Back in our hotel room, we were faced with the 'who sleeps where' dilemma again.

"I slept in the bathtub yesterday, it's your turn."

He shook his head. "You ended up on the bed so that doesn't count."

"Only because my back would've broken."

"Well I don't want my back to break."

"Too bad, deal with it."

He took his shirt off and started changing into his pyjamas, right there in front of me.

I covered my eyes quickly. "What the hell are you doing? "


"Wow really? I would have never guessed that." Note my sarcasm. "Go change somewhere in private!"

"Calm down. Have you never seen a shirtless man before?"

I had, but not one that looked like that. He slipped a pyjama shirt on but then took his pants off, leaving him in a pair of boxers. It was really hard not to look.

"Oh my God, Tobias. Cover yourself!"

He chuckled and slipped on his pyjama pants, finally being decent enough for me to reopen my eyes.

"Look. I'm going to go change in the bathroom in private, and when I come back I'm taking the bed and you can find a comfortable piece of the floor to sleep on okay?"

I grabbed my pj's and took a long shower, washing all the ocean's salt out of my hair. Tobias had been able to take a shower and change before going with Kyle on his yacht, but told me I took too long and forced me to stay in my wet and dirty clothes with my wet stringy hair.

I came out to find Tobias asleep in bed.

Was he actually asleep?

I went over and stared at his peaceful face and his even breathing. Crap, he really was asleep.

Should I wake him up? He wouldn't hesitate to do that to me, why shouldn't I do it to him? Or should I take the high road on this one?

There was also the option of sleeping next to him again. It wasn't that bad last night. If I was being honest it was kind of nice. I hadn't felt that degree of human intimacy in a while. And he was just so warm...

Before I could overthink it, I slipped into bed next to him, making sure I was as far away from him as I could be, even putting a few of the many pillows in between to act like a wall.

We were grown-ups. This didn't have to be weird if I didn't make it weird. Tobias obviously didn't think it was.

Stop thinking, Talia. Go to sleep.

I closed my eyes but heard a soft chuckle from the other side of the bed.

"I knew it."

I turned to face Tobias's side but found him still turned away as if he was fast asleep.

I let out a big huff. "Shut up and let me sleep."

I heard another soft laugh but ignored it, covering my ears with a pillow and falling asleep pretty quickly.


I woke up to the sound of someone talking angrily.

"When I tell you not to call, you stop calling!"

I kept my eyes closed so that I could eavesdrop in peace. Who was that on the phone?

"I told you it's over. It's been over for months. Stop calling."

Unholy MatrimonyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon