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Chapter Twelve: Hot Springs

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His strikingly deep dark eyes opened slowly as the hot water dripped down his chiseled face.

He gave me an annoyed look.

"What?" I asked innocently.

He closed his eyes again, but I wanted to provoke him. I wanted to get a reaction out of him.

I splashed him again.

He ignored it.

"Do something! You're like a robot."

"If I were a robot I wouldn't be able to go into the water."

"English lesson: that was figurative speech. It's called a simile. That's where–"

I was hit with a huge amount of hot water, going into my mouth and eyes.

"Now I know how to shut you up."

I had a coughing fit trying to get all the water stuck in the wrong pipe out. Mr Robot just sat back watching smugly.

When I was finally able to breathe again, I said, "I knew you were bringing me out here to kill me."

"Too bad I wasn't successful."

"Meanie." I instantly regretted saying that because it made me sound like a three-year-old.

"What are you, five?" he echoed my thoughts.

"Three," I corrected him and he looked at me, confused.

"Why would you feel the need to correct me for a two-year difference which is based solely on opinion?"

"I am very precise if you hadn't noticed."

"I hadn't. Based off what I've seen, I would have guessed the opposite."

"See? How could I not call you a meanie when you have an attitude like that?"

"Stop talking, Talia."

"Don't tell me what to–"

"Please. Just stop talking."

"I've never heard you be polite before. That's progress. Maybe you're not a robot after all."

"We already established that I'm not a robot."

"Did we though? Because robots can be waterproof, but they can never really have feelings."

"Being polite isn't a feeling."

"You're missing the point."

"No, you are. The point was that you were considering I wasn't a robot because I was being polite and because robots don't have feelings yo–"

"Okay fine shut up I was wrong and you were right as usual."

"It's nice to hear you finally admit it." He smirked.

"I thought you wanted peace and quiet? We can do that now."

He laughed and closed his eyes again. He was so still that I was sure he had fallen asleep, although he was too still to be asleep.

Maybe that's just how robots slept. He was on his "off" mode.

I sat back against the surprisingly smooth surface of the natural spring, letting the warmth of the water envelop me. It was so calming and relaxing, I couldn't help but feel... happy? That was something I hadn't experienced in a while.

I glanced over at my 'husband', sitting there motionless but still looking like a Greek God. I wonder what this whole marriage thing is like for him.

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Tobias and Talia are complete opposites, yet thrown together in an ar...
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