•Chapter Six•

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Grass and daisies tickle my feet as I walk barefoot across the breathtaking gardens. I walk across the path I know too well and go to find a white mered bench. I sit on it, letting my feet swing as they don't touch the ground.

I look at the castle. My home.

It's beautiful, just like the inside. It's made from old brick and rock, they are stick out of the structure, unorganised but it's still a magnificent structure. Rose ivy climb up the walls, framing the perfect fairy tale look.

I jump off the bench and sit on the floor deciding to make a daisy chain. I collect lots of daisies making sure that I get the ones with long stems to thread them through each other.

When I'm nearly finished I hear a deep voice talking to themselves.

I finish my daisy chain and put it in my hair, then I stand up and brush my dress off of mud before going to find out who the voice belongs to.

I curiously go through the arch made from leaves and look around. I still can hear the voice but I see no one.

"...Why...throne..." Are a few words I hear being mumbled.

I turn a corner to where the pond is and I see a figure sat throwing pebbles into the pond in frustration.

"...Stupid kingdom.." He mumbles, again.

"Caleb?" I say as I draw closer and see my brothers features. His head whips and a look of relief flashes on his face as he sees it's only me.

"Caleb, what's wrong?" I ask, sitting down next to him as he throws another pebble into pond in frustration.

He sighs before looking at me and pushing his hand through his hair in irritation- a habit he picked up from father.

"I'm fine, Beatrice," He huffs. "Just royal stuff, you wouldn't understand."

I gaze hardens. "Try me." I challenge.

He takes another dramatic sigh. "Sometimes...everything just get's too much..."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Mother and father are just such good rulers...I just... I don't know.." He struggles. He looks at me. "What if I let everyone down?"

"Caleb, with all he training you've been doing, I doubt you can do that bad!" I joke but he doesn't seem amused.

"Beatrice, I'm serious." He mumbles.

"Okay, okay! What I meant to say is: You're not like mother and father, you are your own person. You may not be as selfless as them but...Who cares!" I exclaim and he cracks a smile. "You'll run the kingdom in your own way." I say, thoughtfully.

He fiddles with the rock in his hand. I've never seen him so stressed out before.

"Believe me when I say, Caleb you'll be amazing. You just need to believe in yourself!" I say.

"Thank you Beatrice, I-" He stops abruptly when he looks at me. Realising my appearance. He sighs and shakes his head. "Beatrice, what on earth, are you wearing? And what did you do to your dress?"

I look down at my dress. It still has egg stains and black finger prints on from this morning along with it being wrinkled from falling over playing the lava game. Now it has additional mud prints from sitting on the ground.

"I got bored?" I smile coyly up at him, as he looks at me with disappointment.

"Beatrice, you need to be more careful." He says and I roll my eyes.

"And you need to let loose! Have some fun, be silly!" I say laughing. "Come on! This is why your stressed! You need to let go and do something for yourself!"

"I don't know, I-" He mutters, but I cut him off.

"Caleb! You need to relax!" I say pulling him to his feet. "You're not going to get anywhere when you're all anxious!"

"And how do you suppose I do that?" He says, not believing me.

"What do you do for fun?" I ask.

He stays silent.

"Come on Caleb! We need to find you a hobby!" I sigh smiling up at him. We are only a year apart but he's a head taller than me.

"I don't have time for that Beatrice," He sighs. "I need to get back to work.."

He turns to leave and go back to the castle but I'm not gonna let that happen.

"Wait!" I scream. I run after him and jump on his back pushing him over.

"Bloody hell! What was that for?" He grunts from my weight.

I giggle. "Sorry. " I smile bashfully, as I roll off him.

"Now, Beatrice," He playfully glares at me. "That wasn't a very ladylike  do," I laugh.

"Well I'm not very ladylike incase you haven't noticed!" I reply gesturing to my dress.

He strokes his imaginary beard thinking to himself. "Hmm... I guess you're right" He says. "but you might've caused harm to the prince! That's a crime Beatrice!" He playfully accuses.

"What sentence do I have to face?" I dramatically whimper, playing along by throwing my hand over my forehead.

"I think it's punishable by death!" He screams. I run and start to laugh.

He chases after me and I can't stop the massive smile on my face. It seems Caleb can't either. I haven't seen him smile for a very long time and I'm glad I'm the one putting it there.


Now we are lying on the soft grass, our chests heaving form exhaustion. Caleb chased me all over the castle gardens, when he finally caught me he attacked me with tickles which also exhausted me.

We are both lost in thought. The daisies tickle my ears as the sun beats down on me. A ladybug craws along my arm and I watch as it delicately trots along.

"Thank you, Beatrice." Caleb says interrupting my thoughts.

"For what?" I ask.

"For making me happy." He says and sits up so I do too, careful of the ladybug still on my arm. "You really cheered me up. You were right. I needed to relax. I was too tense and I needed to just let go."

I smile at him. His whole body looks at ease.

"So thank you for that. I really enjoyed myself. It reminded me of old times."

I smile at the memories. When me and Caleb used to play together, before he had to start training.

"There you are!" I hear a voice call from behind me. I turn to he a very out of breath Robert walking towards us. "I've been looking for you everywhere!" He gasps.

"What's wrong?" Caleb asks going into professional mode.

"Your parents need you urgently, sir." He says. "Very important, they said."

"I'll be right there Robert thank you." Caleb says standing up. He offers me a hand and I gladly take it. "Thanks again for today, Beatrice." He says.

"Anytime!" I shout at him as he jogs off to find mother and father.


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See you all soon :P

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