Part 8

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I growl and hiss at the advancing predators as I turn into a full Xenomorph, my mouth turning up to bare my teeth. I notice Jenny and Evie were full aliens too but Evie had her mask on and her head low. I release the predator I'm on and walk up to Evie. "What's going on now?" I hiss, my tail swishing left and right as I keep a watch on the predators. "I-I alerted them as soon as I saw an enemy was near a-and they needed information about Earth," she stutters, head still low. I face palm, my hand on the six on my head "of course you did," I growl stabbing a predator who lunged at me with my tail.

The predators charge their plasma casters and wrist blades and before we knew it we were in some sort of Ancient ruin battle field. "Okay, how does this always happen?" I hiss, focusing carefully on my surroundings for the predators' presence. I then growl, running to the scent of the predators with Jenny and Evie following close behind. "Follow that Xenomorph!" Jenny laughs, her mouth morphing into a grin with her tail waving happily behind her. I turn around and laugh at the sight of Evie holding onto Jenny's tail for dear life, being dragged everywhere behind her. I turn back around just in find for a predator jumping at me, trying to slash me with his wrist blades but I move away just in time and impale him with my tail through his head. I see Evie visibly flinch and a wave of guilt floods me, she must be scared at the thought of her betraying the predators.

I then hear Jenny roaring "up there!" Before tossing Evie up "wait, what?!" And sure enough there was a predator standing above us, cowering at the sight of an Evie flying towards it. Unfortunately Evie ends up face planting on the ground with a "ow, thanks Jenny, little warning next time?" She groans, hand on her head. But Jenny just smirks " you're welcome!" I just Six-Palm and climb up towards the predator whom is currently activating a bomb and will, no doubt, throw it at the two. I growl and jump on the predator, opening my mouth so my tongue is in sight "oh no," I hear it speak and I freeze. "Seriously? Is everyone an alien now?" I sigh, watching the predator remove its mask, showing my sister in hybrid form.

"Okay and where's-?" I start before hearing a screech from another Xenomorph and I whirl around to see another Xenomorph which looks a bit like a spitter, same tail and with acid dripping from its mouth but apart from that, it looks like a warrior but it also has a seven on its head. "Another one," I hiss (ANOTHER ONE XD) before stopping in my tracks as I recognise the scent. "Both of my sisters, joy," I growl. "Nice to see you too, sis" the Xeno-sister hisses, inspecting her claws. "Yeah, yeah, you're beautiful, Amelie, but in case you haven't realised, THERE'S PREDATORS EVERYWHERE!" I screech. "Nope didn't know," my sisters say sarcastically and I immediately Six-Palm, an unamused look on my face and I growl at them in annoyance (-_-). I then hear Jenny yell up at us "little help please?!" And the three of us look down at the Thanator and predator only to see them being surrounded. My sisters and I hiss and the Rhianna, my predator sister, jumps down, shooting her plasma caster at the predators at the same time. Me and Amelie hiss and climb down and sword fight the predators with our tails. Amelie spits her acid in their face, resulting in their faces being melted off... Nice.

I cringe but I don't let my guard down  with the predator I was fighting, clawing it wildly, leaving deep scratches in its mask, arms and chest. It roars in pain, scratching me in the arm, leaving a big, deep gash. I lose my balance and fall down, struggling to get back up as the predator kneels down in front of me, it's hand raised above its head, ready to strike. I'm almost on my feet before it kicks my shins, knocking me back down and causing me to cry out in pain. The predator also stands on my tail, making it painful to left or move. I whimper in misery as it brings its wrist blades to my face before pulling its hand back before quickly bringing it back to my face at full force. I just close my "eyes" waiting to feel the pain of death...

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