A New Beginning

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Mia's Pov

My day was tiring, with lots of classes, tests and work to be submitted. I had a different feeling in Biology class today I was literally staring Nicki especially her eyes. But it was similar in a way because we are still same we didn't speak a word. Never had any interaction with her. I brushed away any thought , though it was evening I was so tired that i fell asleep as soon as i hit the bed. 

I woke up with a buzzing sound, reluctantly I stretched out my arms in an attempt to reach my mobile, with eyes still closed I answer the call which turn out to be Sharon's call.

'Mia, where the hell were you?'

'Sharon I was sleeping what's so urgent that you didn't even say a Hello,you usually don't text and call so how come?'

I answered her in a quite sarcastically tone even since I know her she rarely text and call it was always me who used to text but recently I text less ..just don't feel like dealing with her sometime stranger and sometime best friend behaviour.

'What do you mean? Shouldn't you already send me the answer sheet of the paper we got to complete tomorrow. You are late. I have not just only one thing to do. I've got lots of work to complete so hurry up.'

Oh so that's it I knew it ,she can never call to talk as a friend she must have some works. Ever since I know her.she always make me do all the subject's homework she thinks I'm good at and all her notes I used to copy but now it's getting too much. I feel being used by a stranger if she was a friend I would have still try.

'Oh so now you need me for your work purpose why don't you ask Ana to help you because I'm freaking tired.'

I snapped back at her, knowing that this might turn into a massive fight.

'Fine now that you are no use for me you gonna regret this for sure tomorrow you will know many things be prepared.'

She ends the call without giving me a chance to talk as expected. I have the biggest fear of being without a friend that will be hard but we can just wait and watch I guess.

I enter school I saw her sitting in her class. She sighed me to come in. I went to her and what she said did shocked me.

'Mia, I am getting a transfer to another college I've being hiding from you but I don't feel like bring beside you as your best friend. I know it was me that asked you to be my friend but it was only because you were a great help to me in study. You don't share your notes with everyone but with me you did just because I was your best friend. You have no boyfriend. You are not fun. You are just boring. It was me who told someone in my class and even Ana that you are single you have no boyfriend and maybe you have no interest in boys, that's why you were bully I said it out of joke but now I don't want to have my name tarnished while being around you. I have a boyfriend in the college I'm transferring to. You were not a good friend I thought you would have support me in study but no. So it's over.'

'All those bullying was started by your talk?'I asked with a hope that she will say no. Our friendship has being on verge to be broken but I was still trying to mend it. I just feel an insecure feeling that I will be left without a friend and with all those talks about me no one will ever be a friend of mine.

She nodded her head saying yes and she walked away. I brushed away my tears and went on attending all my class. Within few days she got transfer before that i did call her text her to convinced her not to go. I was terrified with the idea of being alone. But she still left. It was Wednesday I just didn't feel like going to school even though I have an English test still I skipped. I just want to be mentally prepared to face all the questions and weird looks.

It's the first day I have to be without any friend. It's all over. Sharon got transferred. Ana took a lot of absence leave claiming that she has some major problem at home but the truth is that she won't come because Sharon isn't here. I have a bad low mood. Nothing feel good.

First second period it was free class I indulge myself in some notes while all of students was staring weirdly at me and talking about me. Some even walk to me and yell at me in an accusingly tone 'What you did to Sharon!' 'Why you made her cry!' 'You hurt her!' Great, now she even portrayed herself as a victim. I feel like I'm like a scandal funny but hurtful and even tough to manage.

Third period,already exhausted I enter Biology class. I bumped into Nicki. I just looked away. We were supposed to be having a practical class today. Beside me I see Nicki and in front me there are 2 other girls Grace and Hannah who happened to be Nicki's friends. Grace happened to be the outgoing one she is extra friendly. Hannah is the quiet one. She is kind of reserved.

While we are doing practical, Nicki approached me and talk with me, it was unexpected. I was surprised.

'Mia, why didn't you come for English test yesterday? You were aware about the test right?'

Oh it mean she does noticed me. At least someone does care..it was good. I was thinking to fake it but I just couldn't. I just blurt it out to her.

'Sharon got transferred yesterday and I just didn't feel like coming'

She did looked a bit shocked.

'Why would she get transferred during the final year? It just doesn't make sense.'

'Don't know, I was thinking about getting transfer me too to another college so let's see what happen next.'

'Why would you transferred? Just stay here ,she already left you just have to complete your studies and I'll be around you as a friend.'

I smiled at her. The class ended. We said bye. It was like a new beginning just a ray of hope to move on. And most importantly what I wished for seemed to come true. Today she didn't just look at me we had like a first proper conversation. It make me happy.

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