New 'Friendships'

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Mia's POV

Laughter spread around the coffee shop as I sat with the guy i apparently hate at the first sight. His personality is fun type. I end up getting more familiar to him because he has the same quality as Nicki. Anger, possessiveness , friendliness every little things about me remind me of Nicki. 

'So Miss whatever , you got to sincerely ask for forgiveness now.' He said casually as we sat there having coffee as if we are friends since long. 'The deal was only about the coffee treat so it's done.' I said in a way too serious tone. 'Hey , are you really this much stubborn and rude?' He asked curiously. 'Yup , I am rude. Don't you think so?' I continue to use the fake rude tone of mine trying hard to suppress my smile. 'Damn your so hard' He said desperately. 'And your so dramatic' I giggled as he smiled back. 'You look opposite to the one who used such harsh words when she spilled coffee on me' He said genuinely. 'And you look horrible when you compliment someone' I said with a laughter by the fake hurt expression he showed off. 'And you look gorgeous when you laughed' He said with a smirk on his face. 'Flirting don't work with me, Mr Whatever. Your going too far. The coffee deal is over. So bye!' I snapped on him making my way out of the coffee shop.  

'Hey hey hey, First calm down. It was a harmless flirt ..Second don't forget , no one is allowed to walk away when i talked...Third, will you be my friend. I promise Just friends?' He nudged on my shoulder grabbing my attention and he continue to rant. And i could not help , thinking about Nicki. He used the exact same tone as her , same attitude everything resembled him. High time i should query about whether Nicki has a brother.  'Hey , react? Let's be Friends?' He stretched out his hand waiting for me to give him a handshake to accept his proposed relation. Weird. How did i end up in this situation. Coffee shop, a guy, same type as Nicki, new friendship? 'But why me? I just met you few hours before. I was just making up for the mess i made. The mess is compensate now let me go. It was just a nice encounter. I go my go yours.' I blurt out quite harshly and the look he gave me soften my heart. No way I am having sympathy now. 'I want this to continue because , you happen to talk with me like no one else do and i feel good in your company. Can't you be a friend of mine?' He pleaded once again and part of me feel like he is a jerk , a flirt but the other part counter attack my own self opinion and it believed that he is a nice guy who is misunderstood by many. Like Nicki is too...! 'Ok , let's be friends...but just flirting ok?' I said giving him a quick handshake. It was a new start of a new something..I smiled yet there is a fear taking over my heart. 

Nicki's POV

Relationship, Commitment, Works, Study, Family, all is freaking me out. Mia is right at her place , she is definitely trying to cope with me but it's just that i want to sort out my mind. I miss her as much as she does. But the more i am being around her , i am facing the fear that i want to run away from. I am aware that i am being unfair to her. But i'm just tired of everything. I love her but i don't want to disclose the love i have for her to everyone else. 

I am losing my mind now i guess. Struggling with my thoughts , as if i did not had enough things to deal with. I heard the voice of Clavin. The one  who always mess up with my emotions and state of mind. 'Hey, let's hang out soon.' He said desperately as he walked right next to me. 'Why so? You got rejected by each and every girlfriends of yours? That's why you find the need to come to me?' I asked sarcastically as i continued to walked towards my home. 'No , i just feel bad the way I treated you. Want to make up for it.' He said as he nudge at my arms to make me looked at him. I jerked away his hand. 'Make up? Oh really, then freaking get out of my sight! That's will do what you want to do perfectly.' I said stretching each and every words making clear to him what i meant.  'If we ever had anything meaningful , at least give me a chance of being your friend? Just friend?' He said in a pleading tone. 

'Friends? Come on. You and friends with girls? As far i know you were friends with every single girl even after you have sex with them!' I spit out harshly at him trying to get out of his sight as quickly as i can. 'Please please please? Just one chance. I promise i will prove myself to you. Just be my friend. That's all i want.' He said desperately and i was hell annoyed by now. Being friends might not be a good idea. It might even look like i am cheating on Mia. But my mind is playing it practical. Maybe just friends would not be harmful and beside that i will not be stalked and irritated by him. 'Ok, but just friends. Don't even try to restart all which we ended. Ok?' I said sternly as we start a new friendship which definitely is not a good idea but i am just worn out of trying to analyse and make all things fall perfectly in place. The truth is that I love Mia and that only should matter to her.

Mia's Pov

'Hiii Baby , i have so much to update you about. Can we skype please please please?' I texted Nicki as soon as i get home. I was excited to narrate her about the encounter i had with Ryan. Ok he does flirt but now we settled things perfectly into friendship. This looks so damn dramatic. First encounter and friends and he is so similar to all the traits that Nicki has. That is the only reason he got lucky to earn my friendship. I suddenly found myself sound so arrogant. Maybe it's just the effect of Nicki's company. 'I am tired , do you mind if we just have a phone call instead of skype?' I read the text as a sense of worry rush within my heart rapidly. Was she tired because of the way i am treating her. Guilty starts to eat me up. I quickly press the calling option. Thankfully she picked up my call on the second ring. 

'Hi baby , what's wrong? Your not feeling ok?' I questioned her as quickly as i can. 'I am fine , you say what is going on?' It could be felt that she sounds low. 'Nothing , don't try change the topic. What's wrong?' I insisted with a hope that she might put her heart feelings out to me. 'Mia! I said nothing is wrong. I am just tired. You said what's the thing you wanted to talked about.' She sounded irritated. And i felt the change between our relation once again. 'Go rest if you are tired. Will catch up with you soon when you get ok. Love you.' I managed to handle myself and not putting out a fight yet again. 'So there was nothing you wanted to talk about. Your sure?' She asked yet again and i felt like my talks will perhaps irritate her more so i choose to seal my lips and just avoid it all. 'It's just a small talk nothing so meaningful. Go take rest.' I said softly nervously playing with the fabric of my shirt as i tried hard not to let my voice ditch me and express the real emotion of my heart. I continue to play it from my mind. ' Ok fine, we will catch up soon. Have a good rest you too. I love you. Goodnight.' She said plainly as she cut the call. 

I unwillingly put the phone down as i settled on my bed. Closing my eyes , I turned to all the moments that are being left behind. I felt all kind of emotions. Things are changing and all i want is Nicki to be by my side during all this change. 

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