Chapter 23

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Aurora Atticus's POV

"Why the smirk?" I looked at Ace blankly upon seeing that sly smile on his face, as if he was plotting something evil. I was only five minutes gone from the seat to the ladies, to find him already behaving this way.

"You'll see" He crossed his legs and took a sip off his water. I looked to him skeptically, half annoyed too-- since I never liked how people tend to keep secret off me-- especially if I have the inner voice inside me telling me that it's related to me; or about me.

In, strolled-- and almost stomping-- a furious Aomine; eyes straight on and connect to mine. 

How did he... Why is he here...

I looked back and forth between Ace and Aomine,  a relaxed expression versus a furious one. Why do I feel like I'm stuck in between.

"You" Aomine growled and took my arm, abruptly making me stood up from my seat, "I can't stand the sight of you with anyone else" He continued; leaving me speechless-- only to be blink repeatedly. "You're coming with me" He grabbed my handbag and pulled me out of the restaurant. The whole time, my eyes went to Ace, who conveniently showed Aomine the way out-- using his hand signs-- pleased and all smiles plastered on his face.


"What are you doing?" I scowled, upon contact of my butt to his car seat. 

"Taking you away from him, that's what it is!" He shouted back. The small space inside the car makes his voice echo much more louder than what it seems to be.

"And why should you? There is no reason for you to be-"

"There is" He said and started the engine.

"I don't think there is any" I argued, and his face immediately turned towards me-- a murder look.

Did I say wrongly?

He drove silently for about a good fifteen minutes, before he came to an abrupt stop. 

"The way you smile when you were with him... " He started, "It was bright, earnest. Something you never gave me" I kept my mouth silent and listened further. 

"The memory of my past keeps on haunting me whenever I am jealous, or feel compared" He admitted. "My mother died when I was only five. I was left in the care of my father who is too busy running his own business that he didn't give me any love or care. He had time for me, but he invested everything on his business. We had dinner everyday when I was young, but it was always silent. He never even questioned me about how's the day... and things like that" He looked down, "I knew nothing about him, neither does he. He wasn't even interested. It goes on this way until one day, he came home and told me that he is going to adopt a son-- someone in his company who has work under him for several years-- someone competent in his work, and 'closer to him than his own son'-- exactly how he had said it. It is only then do I feel hurt by his words. I am his son, for fuck's sake! I am his son yet he didn't put in any effort, instead, he showed what he should be giving me to someone else? For all these years, I had yearn for his love and care but never received any. Yet, someone else gets to get it?" 

My heart aches upon hearing all these, and unconsciously, my heart goes out to him, and my hands instantly reached out to hug him. "I am never good at jealousy, and I don't like to be compared. I don't like to feel that the person I love-- someone else could do a better job than I do. And right now...." He looked at me, "It seems like Ace is doing a better job at making you happy. I don't like that, and I am most definitely  not okay with that"

"So you..." I started, "You pushed me away because I made you feel like you were compared to another man?" 

"Yeah, and I told myself that I will stay away from you. Because you are just like everyone else. Just like my father, you-"

"But I am not!" I argued. "I am not your father. If only you told me this earlier and let me understand what you're thinking, I-I -"

He looked at me expectantly, "I would have been more mindful of how you would feel. I would have... tried to heal your wound" There, I said it. I am so embarrassed right now, and my heart is almost exploding out, but what am I supposed to do now. I said it out, and my face heats up instantly!

"Then heal me" He said and leaned in closer.

Shit. Is this another round of kiss? 

Because I am pretty sure my heart can't take beating fast to the next higher level.

Well... but I think I will like it.



I MIA, I know. I started work guys, a six year plan to save and then get married because someone just got proposed!!!! Guess who!!! ;) Anyway, Well, I am sorry for posting this late though I had this drafted. Work had kept me on my toes and I am still trying to adjust well to it. So wish me luck!!

+200 votes for another update! xx

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