New story to check out!

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Hey guys!

I have written two books based on boss-relationship before but the new story I'm going with- is a professor/student relationship + bad boy vibe. I don't know how it'll go but I'm giving it a try on this one! Read the synopsis below to get a better understanding. I've included the prologue in here too:


Christian Hutton is a university professor by day, and a ruthless but intelligent debt collector by the night. Athena Narelle is a student from Christian's class. She is bright, smart, and unafraid of the hardships that are thrown at her-- despite coming from a poor family background.

The two however, hated each other's guts. But as long as one doesn't get in the way of the other, they never bothered with each other's life. Until one day, Athena's father borrowed money from a private loan company and couldn't keep up with the interest and Christian was assigned to be the one who collects the debts owed.

How will it be settled, and how will the two of them-- whose life are now entangled with each other-- change; in terms of love and personality?



Athena Narelle's POV

Yet another lesson wasted by entertaining girls who couldn't keep their hormones in check. I rolled my eyes and walked out of class. "Hey, careful there" Jed King, the class mischievous boy extended his leg and tried tripping me, then smiled as if he was being helpful.

I smiled sarcastically at him, "Careful there" I emphasised and kicked his ankles. For god's sake, we are already university students. I can't handle bad boys, for real. I've heard about the exhilaration, the vibes, the attitudes. But let's just say, I prefer the old school love. No playing, lying, or try hard to get. Just two mutual attractions. I have no patient to change a bad boy to a good boy, plus, Bad boys with motorbikes, leather jackets and 'cool' doesn't feed. But Hard work and perseverance, does.

I'm sorry but this is the real world.


"Dad, I'm home!" I called out to my dad who's busy repairing someone's car at the garage- having petrol oil over his face. Sweats covering his entire body. His grey hair that's growing everyday taking over his black, the wrinkles that seems to keep on appearing. I love my dad, but sometimes I feel sorry for being a burden to him- to have him feed me, and pay my tuition fees. I am angered that I couldn't do much- that I couldn't get a job even after three fucking months.

"You're home, Ena. I've cooked you lunch, it's on the table" He smiled gently, wiping away the sweat that's trickling off his forehead.

... And sometimes, I do not get my mum. Why she left dad for another guy. Dad might not be the most talented or skilled man on earth, but he sure is living an honest life, and he works very hard. The most cruel thing a woman can do is to leave somebody AND steals their life-savings. Yes, that's what that woman who gave birth to me did.

I pity my dad sometimes, but it's not like I can do anything about it.

I was about to enter the house when three men in suits stopped by and approached him. "Hey old man, so when are you going to make the payment you owed?" They kicked the bucket and picked up a hammer.

What? My dad owed somebody? He borrowed money from these thugs?

"Please, give me one more week" My dad begged, afraid of these men.

BOSS LOVE LESSONS [completed]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora