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Chapter 23:

Sophia's POV:

I landed on my ass and it really hurt. Fortunately, nowhere else hurt and I didn't land on my stomach so I didn't hurt the twins, hopefully. The nearest person to me helps me up carefully, everyone was gathering around me. Jake and the guy had stopped and the guy was looking at me with terror, worry and horror at what he had just done.

"Sophia!" Jake yells, getting out from underneath the guy and running over to me. He pulls me into a tight hug. "Oh my God, Soph. Are you all right?"

"I'm fine," I say truthfully, giving him an assuring smile.

"That was a big fall, does it hurt anywhere?" he asks frantically.

"Just my ass, nowhere else, I promise." Jake looks over me for any signs of pain, then at the guy.

"If you've hurt her or the babies, you're dead," he shouts.

"I didn't mean to, I didn't know. Sophia, I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you, I thought you were someone else," the guy stutters.

"Yeah right, you did this on purpose! You could have made something really bad happen. She could have had a miscarriage or anything," Jake says, putting a protective hand on my baby bump.

"I'm sorry, I really am," the guy says.

"It's okay, Jake, let's go," I say, pulling him by the arm.

"It's not okay, Soph, something bad could have happened. He needs to pay for the consequences," Jake says, glaring over at the guy.

"I don't need you fighting my battles for me, you've done enough. Now let's go to class." Jake walks away reluctantly. He had blood oozing out from his lip and nose and his hand was covered in blood from punching the guy. The guy was in worse shape, he was limping and looked like he had a broken nose, he also had a black eye. "We should get you cleaned up."

"I'm fine, it doesn't hurt," he assures me. I get a tissue out from my pocket and wipe his mouth, hand and nose. "Thanks, baby."

"No, thank you for doing that."

"I'd do anything for you."

"Please don't get in a fight again," I plead.

"I promise, I won't. Are you sure you're okay, maybe we should go to the doctor's and check you and the babies out. It looked sore when you fell and as I've already said, it was a big fall."

"I promise you I'm fine. Stop worrying about me, you're the one with the blood." He hugs me again and kisses my cheek when he pulls back. "I better get to class, thanks, Jake. I love you."

"I love you too, more than anything." I walk off to the bathroom just to make sure everything's okay and I'm not bleeding down there. Phew, there was no blood. I move my fringe out of my eyes and go to my science class. I told my teacher where I had been and he says it's fine. Just as I sit, Jake and the guy's name were called out on the intercom to go to the office.

Oh no, is Jake in trouble? Please let him not get suspended. The teacher gives us back our tests. I know I did shit, I tried to learn I really did. It's just getting hard to concentrate and learn. The teacher passes me mine and I look at it with shock. C+!!! I've never gotten a C+ before, the lowest I've ever gotten in school is a B+.

Oh crap what will my parents say?! They'll call me a failure, what's happened me? I'm smart, really smart. I really did learn for it, obviously not enough. I'm going to have to try and concentrate more, but it's hard when you're 20 weeks pregnant and the babies never stop kicking.

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