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Chapter 29:

Avril's POV:

*7 Weeks Later.*

I'm not as worried about my Mum anymore since Liam's parents took it so well. Even if my Mum kicks me out, I still have a place to live. I really want to tell my Mum to get it over and done with because it's starting to eat away at me. Every time she talks to me or looks at me, I feel like blurting it out. I won't be able to keep it a secret much longer anyway because I'm twelve weeks now and I'm starting to develop a baby bump. It's not that large but it's noticeable.

Some girls don't like the bump because they don't want to ruin their figures but I couldn't wait to get mine because I find them so adorable and then when I get really big I can rub my belly and feel the baby move and kick. Liam and I are going to create so many memories soon and I really can't wait for them. I hope he doesn't get scared and leave me. I still haven't gathered enough courage to talk to Liam about what I wanted to talk about after we told his parents because I'm scared of his reply.

I don't want to be a single mother if the baby's not his but I also don't want him to feel like he has to stick around if the baby's not his, and if they happen to not be his and they're Gavin's, well, then I don't know what I'll do. He's made it pretty damn clear that he doesn't want me or the child in his life. Men are so lucky; they can just leave whenever they want unlike us women who have to stay and take care of our baby. But I shouldn't be worrying about things that possibly may never occur because I don't want to stress the baby and cause a miscarriage or problems in my pregnancy.

My morning sickness has started to stop; I don't really feel sick as often as I did before. Liam and I have made friends with Sophia and Jake's friends now because they asked us to join them for lunch and ever since that time six weeks ago we have spent lunch with them every day. They were sceptical of us first, more of me than Liam because of my previous record of bullying people but Sophia explained to them that I wasn't a threat and I was her friend. So, they eventually started to stop being wary of me and became friends with me instead. Liam was friends with most of the guys already because they play on the team with him.

I'm so grateful for everything Sophia has done for me; she's given me friends, support, advice, a shoulder to cry on and she's given me so much help through all of this. I don't know how I'll ever repay her; she's been there for me so much. Speaking of Sophia, her and Jake got engaged a few weeks ago and she's now the size of a baby whale. No kidding, she's huge now! I don't mean it in a mean way; I love her cute thirty week bump! The babies kick a lot more now too and she lets me feel them kick which I love. I'm looking forward to when my baby kicks me. I say I'll find it a bit annoying as I get bigger because Sophia says it's really irritating when they kick so much, it makes her lose concentration. But despite that she still enjoys the kicks and I know I will too.

My love for Liam is getting greater and greater with every day and moment we spend together. He is so caring and definitely the best boyfriend ever. He has so much love for me and the baby and I'm so happy to have him in my life. His parents have arranged me a doctor's appointment for two weeks' time so I need to tell my Mum soon because I want her to be there with me. Even after everything she has done, she's still my Mother at the end of the day and I do love her deep down. Ryder has gotten another job despite my arguing with him and Liam has gotten one too. I feel so bad that they've had to get jobs because of me. It's not Ryder's fault but he's refusing to quit or let me have a job which I find totally unfair.

I get home and throw my bag onto the sofa when I enter the living room. Ryder was in there studying for upcoming exams and finishing off any homework he had. I felt like telling him that I want to tell Mum tonight. I really want to confide in her but I'm scared. This is the scariest experience in my whole life and I don't want her to hate me or become a worse alcoholic. I know this is my entire fault but I wouldn't have slept with so many people if it wasn't for her. She's the one who made me like that because she never had any rules. She never stopped me or taught me not to. Maybe if she looked after me like a normal mother and stopped drinking this wouldn't have happened. But I would regret this not happening because I love and want this baby so much.

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