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Betty stepped out of her car and breathed in the fresh air. She couldn't stop smiling- her old people had cheated horribly at canasta and won every round. Then they watched Jaws and their running commentary had been hilarious. Lastly, they surprised her with cake that they had ordered the kitchen staff to make. It was the perfect day after the craziness of the morning.

She still couldn't believe she had yelled at those guys to eat her cookies. She blushed whenever she thought about it. Which meant she kept blushing throughout the day because she kept replaying the scene over and over. She shouldn't have slammed the door in their face. They must think she's psycho.

She pushed those thoughts aside and remembered Jack's face when he had given her a birthday card. He'd been oddly serious and quite endearing. She loved that old coot!

She was humming softly under her breath, still happy from her old people, when she saw Koga laying in front of her door with his head on his paws. Oh, heck no! He would just eat all of her food and then leave again.

"Koga, move it! You are blocking my door. And don't think for a second that you are getting steak again because you ate it all. Now move along, go home."

He just ignored her and continued blocking her door. This was becoming a bad habit of his. She put one hand on her hip, the other was clutching her keys and the birthday card, which she still hadn't read.

"Koga, I mean it. If I let you in, you are just going to eat my food, make ridiculous demands and then when I actually start liking you, you will just leave again. I am not opening that door for you."

She glared at Koga, refusing to blink in their staring contest. She was dominant, dang it, and she would not let this dog walk all over her!

Koga met her stare unblinking and unmoving. She narrowed her eyes more and tried to resist blinking or looking away. Her eyes were getting itchy from staring so long. Oh, how she wished she could blink! Seriously, what was this, a demon dog? She finally huffed and pretended that she needed to look at her keys to unlock the door. She could have sworn he was huffing in laughter. Koga-1 Betty-0, and wasn't that sad?

She rolled her eyes when Koga jumped up and licked her hand. She muttered under her breath and unlocked the door, letting Koga in against her better judgement. She had a feeling this dog was going to break her heart.

She walked into her kitchen and put the card and her keys on the counter. She dug around for a bowl to fill with water and then started making ham sandwiches. She put the first sandwich on a plate next to the bowl of water on the floor.

"No more eating on the couch, mister. You left crumbs all over."

Koga's ears went back and he grumbled, but he bent down and started eating. She was actually a little shocked he listened to her. She pet his head and rumpled his fur in reward for being a good doggie.

After their late lunch, they curled up on her couch and watched Netflix together. When she turned it on Grey's Anatomy he rolled over and kicked her in the face with his back paw, but other than that he was a good house guest.

After they vegged for a while on the couch, she let him out and he ran off. It was what she had expected from him. She knew he had a home because his fur was always so soft and clean. She shut her door and tried to force her emotions down. She had known he wasn't going to stay. He had a family that probably loved him and spoiled him rotten, based on his behavior. She grabbed her iPad and started reading manga to take her mind off of the troublesome dog. 

Later that night, she heard a scratching at her door and a low woof. She raced to the door and picked outside. She was almost afraid to hope it was Koga, but then she looked down and saw his big brown body. He came back!

She let him in, softly closing the door behind him. Then, she knelt down and hugged him tight. She had missed him. Koga sat there somewhat stiffly, but let her hug him and even gave another woof in hello. She smiled and kissed him on the nose and then got up.

"I won't lie. I missed you, Koga. I'm sorry for everything I said earlier. You are a good dog. A perfect dog! A superstar! Oh, yes you are!"

Koga woofed his approval and then rolled on his back with one paw in the air. She giggled and patted his paw before calling for him to follow her into bed.

Koga followed and hopped on her bed, taking up a good portion of it. She changed into an oversized shirt and pushed him over, which led to bared teeth and a half hearted growl. She just shushed him and ran her fingers through his fur. After a moment of sulking, Koga huffed and laid his head on her neck and did a big doggie sigh.

For the first time in a long while, she felt completely content. She was curled up with Koga on her bed. He was really warm and made the best pillow. She wasn't much of a dog person- they were usually smelly and dirty. Koga was different. He was smart, smelled good and was so cuddly. She fell asleep with a big smile on her face.

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