The wolf pup

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Betty found out the hard way that a drunk cat is very problematic. She had passed out around midnight after drinking the entire bottle. Her cat was not a happy drunk. She woke up hissing at shadows and growling at nothing.

Betty had a hard time getting her bearings. Her cat kept yanking control away from her. At times she felt like she was in the backseat watching the world go by, but not in control. The first time she heard a voice she thought it was the liquor. She gradually realized it was her cat and the cat was pissed.

"I can't smell my wonderful. What did you do, stupid two legger?"

She blinked, momentarily in control and tried to think of what a wonderful was. "Wonderful is an adjective- not a noun. Make sense little alien cat," she grumbled in her head. She felt control slipping away as the cat took over again.

"Our wonderful, the man wolf who smells like a delicious treat and who belongs to us."

"Oh him," she scoffed and continued, "he is a lying jerk face and I didn't do anything. The jig was up, he left us and hasn't returned because he doesn't really care about us!"

She felt herself losing consciousness as her cat fully took over. Her cat jumped to the blue curtains and started shredding them with her claws. Their wonderful was not a jerk face. She would find him and be with her wonderful. She sniffed the air and froze. She couldn't smell outside.

Her stupid two legger had ruined everything! The window was shut, keeping her away from her wonderful. She yowled and smacked the invisible barrier. Then she drunkenly fell off the ledge and landed sprawled on the floor.

She could smell the wolf form of her wonderful, but it was a day old. He was always right there waiting for her- he wouldn't leave her. She hissed again and flopped over, her ears back and her tail twitching. He wouldn't have left on his own, so it must have been her two legger who forced him to leave.

She ran over to the bedroom door and nudged it open with her nose. She would fix everything that her two legger messed up. She wobbled back and forth on her way to the front door.

Couldn't the two legger realize that the wonderful was a part of them? Without her wonderful they would never be complete. She stopped and shredded the couch on her way to the door. She would scratch and destroy any barrier to her wonderful.


Betty woke up with the mother of all hangovers. She blinked groggily and sat up in bed. She pushed her hair out of her face and squinted at her room. Her psycho alien cat had ransacked her room. She instinctively communicated with her the same way she did the night before.

"What did you do? My room is a mess!"

"Not now. Let me sleep, two legger."

"No! Wake up and talk to me. Why did you trash my room?"

"Ugh. I'm trying to sleep off whatever you made us drink. I was angry and I missed our wonderful. Why would you keep us away from him? Open the window and we won't have a problem."

"If I open the window you are just going to run to him," she put all of her disgust in to the last word. He was a liar, a perv and a creep!

"Exactly. Now let me sleep."

"Wait! What do I call you? Cat?"

She could feel her cat sigh, but she sleepily answered, "Our wonderful calls me Kilala. Just call me that."

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