Chapter 11- Broken Beauty

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Xavier's pov-

Right, punch.

Left, punch.

Right, punch.

Left, punch.

Roundhouse kick.


The punching bag tore off the hook and with a thud landed on the other side of the room.

That would make it number three; it has been an hour since I came here but my anger was only down a notch. Thinking about the last 24 hours makes my blood boil with rage. How can that douchebag of a mate do something like that to her? He didn't deserve her. She is too good for him.


I released a breathy whisper of her name and instantly the image of her tear-stained face came into my mind. My heart shattered a little more and wept for the broken beauty. It took my mind back to the place when I had seen on the edge of the cliff.

She was fragile like a flower and innocent like a little lamb. But what gripped my heart like a vine were her eyes. They appeared as if they had seen too much. The cruelty that this world held for people was naked to her eyes.

After waking up from a coma she didn't speak to anyone for weeks. She was always lost in her thoughts. I watched her from a distance to keep her safe. I knew she meant something to me but the question that was always there at the back of my mind was that what is she to me?

I had seen her when she saved the child and shifted for the first time. I was mesmerized by the beautiful red and golden-colored wolf. I stayed hidden behind the bushes to let them think they were alone. The look in her eyes told me she needed time. So I kept quiet for the time being and kept an eye on her.

She began to open up a little and felt at ease with our pack. But she only communicated with selected people. She talked to me for the first time after the accident where she saved Alpha's life.

It was evening and I was sitting in the playground lost in thoughts blaming myself for the mishap. I could never forget the look in her eyes as she came to me and talked. She still had a cast around her shoulder for support but what captured my attention was the sheer look of determination mixed with fear in her eyes. She told me it was not my fault or anyone else's, things like that could happen to anyone. Instead of sitting and wallowing in self-pity and hatred I should take it as a much-needed lesson and move on.

Her words were like a bucket of cold water that awoke my sleeping senses. They went right to my mind and struck a nerve. I thanked her for her support and promised to keep working on myself.

Out of the blue, she asked me to train her, I was surprised but agreed. I had two reasons to train her, the first being that it would do her good to learn how to fight and defend herself, and the second one was purely selfish. I wanted to explore the connection I felt whenever she was in the vicinity. I do not know if she felt it or not but I always had an overwhelming urge to protect her. So I took her under my wing. She was a newbie and I had to teach her certain things multiple times. It was her determination along with hard work that brought her to the top. I admired her spirit for striking for the best.

There were times when I would see her standing alone on the cliff staring at the sunset or sunrise. Once she jumped off the cliff and my stomach dropped. I felt nauseated. An unknown fear gripped my heart. But all of that vanished in thin air the instant she came out of the water and took a deep breath. She remained in the water for hours and continued with her powerful strokes. I was relieved to realize that she didn't jump to kill herself.

I do wonder sometimes what made her the way she is. She morphed from an afraid little girl to a confident and fearless woman. The change in her personality is pleasant. Even Alpha and Luna commented on that. They were proud of her and treated her like their own child.

I knew from the very beginning that she has been through much. But I never expected it to be this bad. When I heard James telling Ana that she was betrayed by her mate I was furious. But the anger soon morphed into fear when she swooned. I broke into a run and scooped up her light form in my arms. She looked so peaceful. I again had that urge to shield her from the world but I refrained myself and hurriedly went to the packhouse.

They followed me still shocked by what just happened. As I reached her room they stayed by the door while I gently lowered her to bed. She was still unconscious but the doctor was on his way. Nobody knew what caused her to faint.

My thoughts were jumbled. We were talking about what happened when we heard a sound coming from her room. We all rushed inside nearly breaking the door. I was relieved to see that she was awake. After her checkup, she got scolded by Helen for skipping food. It was quite funny.

But things soon turned 180 degrees when she started telling the whole truth. With every word she spoke, my mood shifted to the darker side. When she screamed clutching her heart I was hanging by a thread. James told us that it was not an old pain. Her mate was having sex with someone else. I banged my fist on the door and it cracked a bit.

That shit of a mate was with someone else and changes his partner every month.

What the hell!!!

I will kill him. I will skin him alive. How can he do that to her? He is a moron to not realize what a gem she is. But it is his loss.

I always thought about why she didn't talk about her mate or try to find someone if he indeed is dead. I know that I can't fully understand what she has been through but now I do have an inkling. Her plan to avenge her family's death is right and I will definitely help her.

I recalled the plan she told us and anxiety filled me. There are many loopholes like what if she got severely injured? What if he did something wrong to her? What if he took advantage of her? The possibilities are endless. And we are supposed to watch from the sidelines.

Like hell, I will.

If he tries anything then he will go down.

I took the towel from the hook and swiped the sweat from my face. Then I took the water bottle unscrewed it and took a huge gulp. Tomorrow is a big day and she needs us to trust her and back up in every way we can. I sure as hell won't disappoint her.

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