Chapter 34 - Being In Love

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Thank you very much for all the lovely comments I received on various chapters of this story. This chapter is dedicated to that person who was the first one to give her opinion and regard- JuaGail

Alkira's p.o.v -

After quenching Helen's thirst for answers and eating to her heart's content I was finally able to get to my room with Keith following behind.

My mind kept drifting back to dinner, which was full of coos and aahs.

There were moments when Keith and my eyes met followed by a couple of coughs and awws.

When I told them about us being second-chance mates they were happy beyond the moon.

Helen said that the moon goddess has blessed us with this happiness and we should thank her for this.

We chatted animatedly throughout the dinner.

Keith was very patient in answering their questions while I was too immersed in my thoughts about what had happened in the past few days to notice anything else.

I came to my senses when I felt a tug at my arm. I looked to my left and noticed that Rose was staring at me.

I crouched a little and asked her to repeat what she said.

"I missed you Mommy... never lewe me again" Saying that she kissed my cheek and went back to eating.

Shaking my head at her antics i looked up and came to a still.

Everyone has stopped eating and they were looking at me. Then almost in sync, they looked at Keith and then at me again.

It was weird.

I tried to ignore them but even after a few seconds have passed and they were still at it.

I opened my mouth to ask what happened when suddenly it dawned on me.

Rose has called me mommy.

My eyes snapped to Keith's and stayed there.

He smiled at me but his eyes... they seem puzzled. It was like he wanted to ask something but couldn't figure out how. His eyes held curiosity and nothing else.

Where most mates reacted in a dazed frenzy Cussing and throwing things when they came to know that their mate has a child with someone other than them, He was calm.

He seems to accept the fact that I have a child and was comfortable with it. Albeit it was not true. But he didn't know that. My heart soared with elation and my eyes watered a bit thinking that I was indeed lucky to have him as my mate.

I told him about how I met Rose and Adam too. He listened intently and in the end, gave me a heartwarming smile. Seeing his reaction everyone relaxed and the atmosphere once again turned chirpy.

I was so glad to see all of them getting along with him.

I was worried that they didn't like him or vice versa but as it turned out he was quite a charmer. I relaxed a little seeing their happy faces but my smile faltered a bit when I noticed something odd. Ana was unusually quiet and James too looked uncomfortable.

If I remembered correctly Ana didn't ask too many questions about Keith. As a matter of concern, she didn't ask anything. If she was alright then she would have talked his ears off... and mine too...

Something was seriously wrong with her.

Our eyes met and I held her gaze. As I opened my mouth to ask her what was wrong I heard a happy squeal. I turned my head and saw that it was Helen smiling from ear to ear and pointing towards Keith's neck.

So she finally noticed his mark. I was rooting for Ana to find that little detail before anyone but. It was Helen who noticed first.

Well, it was about time to tell them how my visit went. I told them everything and when I was finished each of them had a theory of their own for what might the human want to talk to me about.

Then out of nowhere, Helen demanded that I complete the mating process and give her a dozen of grandchildren. Her words had barely registered in my mind when I heard a choking sound.

Turning my head I saw that Keith was coughing loudly and his cheeks had a light pink tint to them. His reaction completely caught me off guard and I burst into fits of laughter. It was quite hilarious... to me at least.

I should have been the one choking on my own spit after hearing about babies but it was Keith who seems embarrassed.

I was admiring his reaction when Ana opened her big mouth. She immediately came to his rescue and told him about me being a virgin. Now it was me who was turning red.


I gasped and gave her a stink eye. But this doesn't discourage her.

Instead, she started telling him all the embarrassing stories about my younger self with more enthusiasm. Fortunately, after a while Helen chided her and told her to keep quiet otherwise she will have to do the dishes.

This shut her up real quick coz everyone knows she hates that chore. Now she was acting like her normal self but I knew something was definitely off as she trying too hard to sound normal.

I decided that I will ask about it tomorrow.

I came out of my thoughts when I heard his husky voice. He comes a little closer and whispered in my ear making me shiver a bit in delight.

"I know this isn't the last stop on my tour but do you want me here tonight, with you? I don't mind a bit if you are sure about it. "

He nipped my earlobe and I was filled with longing so deep that it was almost impossible for me to step aside and walk inside my room.

But somehow I did. Leaving him standing at the door, I turned to face him. Taking a deep breath I slowly exhaled.

"Once again your room is across mine. If you need anything else wake me up. Okay."

Without waiting for his reply I quickly kissed his cheek and closed the door. My heart was beating so fast that for a second I felt it will give out due to exertion.

I kissed him.

Feeling a little shy I covered my face with my hands. Out of nowhere, I started laughing. Extending my hands to my side I twirled around and finally plopped on my bed face first.

What is this feeling?

"This is what hope feels like. Your happiness has finally knocked at your door. So grab it with both hands and never let go. Finally, you are getting what you wanted all along."

Kira mused in her know-all's voice.

"You knew about it."

"All this time."

"And you didn't even tell me."

"I was waiting for the right time."


"No but missy... All the butt we will talk about from now on will be his."

"Yeah! He does have a cute butt. "

Saying this I again started laughing.

I rolled over and started at my ceiling. It was done with fluorescent paints.

It was night scenery, with plenty of stars, a moon, and a lake. It never failed to calm me down. Staring at it I let out all the negative thoughts from my mind.

For once I willingly forgot about all the problems and what-ifs. I closed my eyes, thinking about us being together and happy.

About a possibility.

Possibility of being loved... Being in love.

My Mate's BetrayalTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang