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I cautiously walked through the hotel hallway, constantly looking over my shoulder for anyone who could be possibly following me. I was overwhelmed and scared to death, even though I had barely been here long enough for anyone to create a disliking for me.

I continued to walk down my hallway, looking for my room and I read the numbers on each of the walls until I reached my room. I sighed before sliding in my room key and walking into the suite.

"Welcome!" someone's voice greeted me, causing me to jump backwards and scream in surprise.

The woman walked into the main room in front of me, a smile plastered across her face. Her blonde hair was perfectly curled, along with what it seemed as professionally done makeup. She walked toward me, extending her arm to what I thought she was going to shake my hand, but ended up wrapping it around my shoulder. I cringed in nervousness, looking up at her.

"I'm Melissa, your coordinator, representative, and stylist. Over the course of the next two days, we'll be spending lots of time together, during everything you do! I'm also sharing this lovely suite with you, so I hope we become good friends in the time we have here. Your trainer, Luke, you'll meet tomorrow. Lovely guy. He'll show you everything you need to know." she continued, leading me around the smaller surrounding rooms in the suite. I stopped when we came to the giant window, looking out into London. I broke away from her grip, walking over to the window. "He's a professional, one of the best in my opinion-"

"Do I ever get to sight-see here?" I interrupted, turning from the view back to her.

"It all depends on your schedule. I'll try to arrange it, making sure you spend every waking moment to the fullest." she smiled.

"You said you were my stylist." I paused, thinking about the possible things I would need a stylist for. "What do I exactly need you in that department for?"

"Oh!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands together. "Well, you're going to be meeting all the other competitors tomorrow night, at the dinner we have."

"Dinner? With everyone?" I asked, a little surprised.

"Yes, I questioned it too, but I guess it's good for you all to figure out and be a little more comfortable with each other."

I raised my eyebrows, walking over to the couch in the other room. "So you're telling me that we need to be comfortable with each other? This isn't boarding school, this is war. Either way, we're going to end up brutally killing one another. There is no point in this. I'm not going to make friends with people I'm going to have to kill." I protest.

"I wasn't the one who arranged it, all I know and have to do is have you be there." she said, sitting beside me, kicking off her heels and sliding them under the clear glass coffee table.

"I'm going to make this clear." I said angrily, looking at the skyline again, then back to Melissa. "I am not here because I want to be. I was dragged away from my family, friends, and it even ruined the relationship I had with my boyfriend. Some girls want to be here more than I do. Sure, it'd be great to marry Harry Styles, but I had people I cared about back home, and these government assholes ripped me away from every. Single. One. Of. Them. And if killing little twelve year old girls is the only way I'm going to see them again, I'm going to do it. I'm not happy to be here."

She sighed. "I realize that, but you just need to behave yourself. The media is everywhere. If you act out, it'll be everywhere. You don't want to be known as the crazy girl in these games. You need as many supporters as possible. That's what's going to keep you alive."

I sighed, leaning my bed back on the top of the couch.

"Alright. Tell me everything I need to do."


"This begins your training sessions. You each have a designated trainer, who will guide and help you learn as much as you possibly can. You have two hours this morning, two this afternoon, and two this evening." The announcer said over the intercom. All the competitors in my group were gathered in the large arena filled with weapons, and other tables to help us be somewhat prepared for the games. I looked around at all the girls, some very tiny compared to others like me. I felt bad for them in a sense, knowing they probably didn't have much of a chance at winning this at all.

I pulled the neck of my jumpsuit which was awfully clingy. I didn't know if it was humid in here, or if it was just me. I was already nervous, but somewhat comforted by the fact I could see what the other girls were capable of.

Some men in charge of us filed us out to our separate rooms to meet with our trainers. I was escorted out behind a long line of other girls who scrambled to find their rooms, bumping and shoving other girls to get past them. I rolled my eyes, and walked to my room, which was down a few hallways. Melissa followed behind, her heels clicking with every step she took.

I turned into my room, and stopped in my tracks, looking at what I think was my trainer. He sat in a chair in the corner, scrolling through his phone until he looked up, and stood up right away.

"You must be Paige, I'm Luke." he said with a warm smile, extending his hand.

I smiled, finding it extremely hard to take my eyes off of him. He was absolutely gorgeous. His blonde hair, was perfectly quaffed, and his blue eyes were looking into mine. I felt myself blushing, and I looked down, extending my hand.

"Nice to meet you." I said, looking back up at him.

"So where shall we start?" He said, turning to Melissa, then back to me.

"I'm not sure." I replied, looking back to Melissa.

"Well," Luke said. "What are your strengths?"

"Well, I can really do anything, my dad taught me a ton of stuff over the years."

He sighed, running his hand through his hair. "Alright, well let's get started."


Hey guys, short chapter. Sorry about that. I was thinking about updating all day today, so here it is! Thinking of uploading another chapter of Fighting for Love (please check it out If you haven't) and I'm anxiously waiting for Falling Hard for Louis Tomlinson to reach 500,000 reads.

So yes, Luke Hemmings is Paige's trainer, I wanted one of the 5SOS boys in here. Anyway, hope you like it!

Comments and votes are always appreciated.

-lizzie xx

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2013 ⏰

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