Chapter 20

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Brandon has been blowing my phone up all week since the baby shower and to be honest I don't know what to think. Yes I love that man and I'm carrying his son, but damn he knew my concerns about shit he do.

I look up and see Brandon standing right in front of me.
"What are you doing here Brandon I damn sure didn't give you a key." I said annoyed.
"You right but baby please talk to me. I miss you, I miss you and I wanna enjoy ya pregnancy with you and you wont let me." He explained.
"I won't because I thought you were dead Brandon. I cried for months had dreams about you leaving me each and every time."

Brandon just sat and looked at my stomach. Soon enough the baby kicked. I rubbed my stomach and smile.

"What's wrong is the baby good?" Brandon asked.

"He kicked which is something he's been doing a lot lately."

Brandon got up and got between my legs and kissed my stomach.


"You were the one texting me huh?" I asked.
He nodded and smiled.
I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"When are you gonna let me back into your life? I'm trying here I really am, but I know you need time."

"I do love you with everything in me Brandon, but why stay away that long huh? Cause knowing you I know you figured I would be pregnant by now." I said.

He stayed quiet.

"I can't tell you right now but I will eventually."

I nodded and walked away.

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