Landed In the Hospital

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I'm not dead?! I thought that cutting myself open and stabbing the knife through my wrist would make me bleed to death. This doesn't make sense.
I open my eyes. I see Mom, Dad, and Naomi surrounding me. I feel a wrap around my arm and needles injected into me. I'm in the hospital.
"Joleen," Naomi begins, "are you having problems?"
"No." I lie.
"I don't think anyone would attempt suicide for no reason, and carve 'Life Is Pointless' on their arm. Are there people at school who bully you? You can tell me the truth."
I sigh. "I have been bullied at school and I wanted to be with Shannon again. Okay? There I said it!"
"What happened to Shannon?" Mom asks. They all don't know that Shannon got killed by a drunk driver a few weeks ago.
"Shannon was with some of her new friends. They were driving somewhere when a drunk driver hit them. They were all pronounced dead," I state. "I cut myself when I heard it from here mom."
"Joleen," Dad says, "suicide is never the answer. Things will get better."
I don't believe him. I want to be reunited with my best friend again.
"What all do I have going in me?" I ask out of the blue.
"You have blood flowing into your other arm," Naomi says, "a feeding tube, and you have a heart rate monitor going on too."
They found out that I starved myself. I tried hiding it. Like the cuts. Damn it!
"How long will I be here?"
"Probably a few weeks," Dad says. "Until your wounds are fully healed and you are at a healthy weight again."

I wasn't in the hospital for a few weeks. I have been in here for two months. The stab wound was what took the longest. I started eating solid foods again after getting a healthy weight. I might as well live life to the fullest.

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