It Worked!

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I walk inside of the house. Nobody is home except me. I can't stand fucking life anymore. All of those damn cool people constantly bully me. They're all dicks. I want to die without Naomi's suspicion. I go upstairs to where Dad keeps his guns in his closet. I take one of his loaded handguns then run into my room as fast as I can. I search for a piece of paper and a writing utensil. I use the back of my midterm. Grades don't matter to me anymore. I find a pen under my bed. I start writing:

Dear Naomi, I see that you found me dead. Don't worry about me anymore. I'm better off dead in the first place. I keep getting bullied, Shannon died from a drunk driver two years ago, people are spreading nude pics of me on the Internet. The pain hits me constantly. From my last two attempts, I wanted to reunite with Shannon. Now I am with her, and everything is alright. After all of these years, life is pointless. I constantly cut it in my arm, because it is true. It's something I want to do. Okay? I'm the least of your worries. -Joleen

I put the pen down in an exchange with the gun. My hands are shaking with nervousness. The cold barrel of the gun touches my lips as I put it further into my mouth. I feel the end of the gun touch the roof of my mouth. I keep shaking. I can't stop. I pull the trigger. Then all of my worries are gone. I'm coming back, Shannon.

There's no sight of the light tunnel. No Shannon. Nothing.

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