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For all of you, Harry Styles is your idol, boyfriend, husband, even though he may not know it yet. For me, he's my nightmares.  My name is Kaylin, and I'm Harry Styles twin sister. Now you might be thinking, 'That would be awesome!' Well it's not. You think, 'Oh, but you can meet the boys, fall in love with one of them, live happily ever after....'  Maybe that could happen..................

if he ever talked to me. I mean, I know he's busy and all, but never talking to your twin sister.

Me and Harry were, key word WERE, close, inseparable. Me and him would do everything together. That is, untill he auditioned for the X-Factor, and became a part of One Direction. Everyday he started talking to me less and less, untill one day, he just stopped. and it's not like I've not tried calling him. He just never answers me. And I hear my mum talking to him all the time. He talks to her, Skypes her, even my older sister Gemma, but never me. At first, I would try and talk to him. Whenever he was talking to mom or Gemma, I would ask to talk to him, but he had to go. Finally I got the hint, so I stopped trying. But, I started getting sad, ignoring everyone. So mum would try and get Harry to talk to me. But everytime it's "Oh well I have to go, but tell her I say hi." and then hang up. I hate One Direction cause of it. If anyone metions the name, I will go off talking about why they aren't very good, and then get weird looks from everyone. 

"Omg, did you hear the new One Direction song?" The 'popular' girl Kristen asks me. She knows it anoys me, so she does it anyway. "You know I don't like One Direction Kristen, so wh bring it up?" I snap at her. "Cause I like hearing you complain about them, and your pathetic life." she says. "Well, what have you got to say about them today?" she says. "The same, Harry's a jerk, and so are the rest of them." I say and leave. I wanted to get home. I was spending the afternoon with Jake.

I get home and there is a weird car parked in our driveway. Mum must be having someone over.  I walk in and I hear whispering. "Mum, I'm going to go hang out with Jake." I say getting ready to go up stairs. "Kaylin, come in here for a minute will you?" "Yeah, m..." I stop dead in my tracks. There is a face I havn't seen in two years, except for on the news, and every teen girls laptop..... Harry.


Hey guys, thanks so much for reading this. I thought I would do a Harry Styles fanfic this time. But anyway, what do you think? Leave me a comment below, either giving me ideas, or just telling me what you thought. 

Love, K

Harry Styles' Twin Sister A One Direction FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now