Chapter One

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"Harry?" I say in shock. "Kaylin!" Harry says. I turn around and walk out the room. "I'm going to Jakes." I shout over my shoulder. "Kaylin, come back." Harry says. "No, Jake's waiting for me, Harry. I can't wait around all day." I say going up to my room. It's the same room I've had ever since I was little. There are drawings on the wall from when me and Harry were little, pictures of us, and then my stuff. Harry moved out, going on tour and stuff, so I put all his stuff into boxs and moved it away. The less to remind me of him. "Kaylin, why are you leaving?" Harry says coming into my room. "Oh, so now you care." I say grabing my suitcase and throwing my clothes in it. "I've always cared." Harry mumbles. "They why do you never talk to me, but talk to Gemma and mum?!" I scream at him, leaving the room. "Bye mum, I'm going to Jakes now." "Kaylin, please wait!" Harry says, following me out the door. "Hey babe." Jake says kissing me on the cheek. "Babe? Who the hell are you?!" Harry screams at him. "Harry, this is Jake. Jake's my boyfriend. Which you would know about if you would bother to listen to me." I say getting in Jake's car. "No, you're not going with him." Harry says. "Why? We've been dating for TWO YEARS. Yeah, every since you went to the X-Factor. Cause, I didn't have you in my life anymore. I needed someone. And Jake was there for me." I say. I never told Jake about Harry, I tried not to let anyone know. But Kristen did reaserch, she's a huge Harry Styles fan, and my last name is Styles, and I'm the same age, same birthday as him. I changed schools since he started the X-Factor, there were to many people crowding around me.  Asking me questions like, "Oh, do you think Harry will go out with me?" and stupid stuff like that. I couldn't handle it, everyone crowding around me. But, no one at my new school liked me. Jake was the only one nice to me there. "Jake, this is Harry, my brother." I mumbled the last part. "You have a brother?" "Yes, now can we go Jake?" "Yeah sure babe" "No, you're not  going anywhere and we have alot to talk about. That's the whole reason I came home, was to talk to you." Harry says pulling me out of his car. "Really?" I ask, almost believing him. "To talk to you and ask you something?" Harry says. "Jake, do you mind if we have our date tomorrow?" I ask him. "Wait, you're ditching me, for your 'long lost' brother?" Jake asks me. "Jake, I havn't seen him in two years, haven't talked to him in two years. I need to see him." "Oh, I see. You pick him over me. I guess that show me how much you care about me. We are over." He says. J-Jake? After two years, you're dumping me because I want to see my brother?"  I say, tears forming. "Yeah, and Kristen was right. I shouldn't have spent two years of my life with you." Jake says. "Did you just say that to my sister?!" Harry says. "Yeah I did and what are you gonna do abou tit pretty boy?" Jake says clenching his fists. "Jake don't start a fight." I say tears streaming down my face. "I'll show you." Harry says punching him in the face. "Harry!" I say. "What, I wasn't gonna let him hurt you and get away with it." He says shrugging. "Let's go inside and talk." I say. "Oh, and bye the way, have fun with Kristen."

We go up to my room. "Why did you come back?" I ask him. "Well, I wanted to ask if you wanted to come live with me. I've missed you over the past two years and..." "Wait if you missed me, then why did you never answer my calls?" I ask. "Because, I was devastated about leaving you, and everytime I thought of you, I broke down, I was always closer to you than to Gemma. I've never told anyone about you. I just thought if I heard your voice, it would make me break down harder." He says. "Did you ever think, that you leaving, devistated me. I-It hurt me." I say pulling my shirt sleeve down more. "K-Kaylin, you didn't cut did you?" Harry says tears starting to roll down his checks. He graps for my sleeve, and I pull away. "Kaylin, y-you promised." Harry says looking at my wrist. "You promised you'd be there to stop me." I say back. "I know, I'm sorry" Harry says hanging his head. "Yes" I say. "Yes?" Harry says confused. "I'll go on tour with you." I say quietly. "Yes! Now I can be with you, to protect you." Harry says hugging me. "When do you leave, and does mum know about this?" I ask. "Yes, she knows, and I leave tomorrow morning, I only had enough time to come get you." Harry says. "Tomorrow? How am I gonna chose what to bring." I say smiling. "There's my old sis!" Harry says laughing. "And we can buy you stuff once we leave." "Ok, whatever. Let me pack." I say, going outside, realizing I droped my suitcase when Harry grabed me. I run outside, luckly Jake's gone. "I go back upstairs and Harry's on the phone with someone. "Yeah, you're all gonna love her, I can't wait for you to meet her. Now remember, none of you are alowed with her, unless I say so." He says sternly. I scoff at that, he can't controll my love life. I walk in the room. "Oh, sorry Niall I got to go, see you tomorrow." Harry says hanging up. "I can't wait for you to meet the boys. You're gonna love them." He says to me. "I'm just glad I get to spend some time with you H" I say. "Me to K" he says giving me a hug. I finish packing up all my stuff. "I'm ready for tomorrow." I say. "Good, cause we're leaving early in the morning." Harry says. "How early? You know I'm not a morning person." I say jokingly. "Um, we have to be with the boys by 9" Harry says. "So we have to leave when?" I ask. "6 or 7" Harry says. "I guess that's not that early." I say. "Yeah, but knowing you, you still wont want to get up." Harry says. "Hey!" I say. "You know it's the truth K" Harry says. "Yeah I guess." I say through the pillow at him. "You're gonna pay for that!" He says chasing you around the room. It's good to have my brother back. 


Hey guys!!!!!! I am so sorry it took me forever to write this cause I've writers block for about the past three months. But i finally got a good chapter out I think. I am so excited to be starting this story. I really like it and I hope all of you will like it.

Love, K

BTW the pic is just a fun one for this chapter 

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