Chapter 6- What the alpha says goes

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I never thought that I'll ever say this my entire life but i'm nervous lunch

so as i held my tray with my trembling hands and slowly went over the lunch table where beta jordan is waving us i breathed in and with my bestest of best friends on my sides....we charge

"Hey gabriel" james said giving gabe a high five as he sat on the chair i followed his example

"Hi you're angela right?" jenna said smiling at me but it was not her smile that got my attention its the arm that's around her slender shoulders ...his arm

i slipped my gaze into him his amazing  blue eyes were chilling me to my bones then blood rushed to my cheeks like a freaking tsunami as i remembered what i told him last night

"its ash actually" i said finally dropping my gaze to my tray of food

"oh...sorry dear i'm terrible with names" jenna said before laughing softly

Dear???seriously who she calling dear???

"or just terrible in general" i muttered before i can stop myself alice and gabe who heared snickered

"pardon?" jenna asked i fought the urge to roll my eyes who says pardon these days?

"nuthin'"i said before lowering my eyes again i turned sideways at alice and noticed how tense she was i looked at what she's looking at and saw beta jordan just staring at  alice

not looking but staring if you ask me i find it a bit creepy until alice broke eye contact and lowered her head her cheeks flush

"excuse me"she said standing up and hurrying towards the door a few moments later i was about to stand up to check on her when

"don't"gabe whispered in my ear as he pointed at beta jordan who stood up and followed alice

Gabe gave me a knowing wink and i tried to fight back my smile if i didn't know any better i'd say that those two are mates

"you are not eating" gabe said looking at my untouched tray "oh..." i said forgetting about food for a while...freaking unbelievable i know.

"you want some?" Gabe said offering me a spoonfull of brownies i nodded opening my mouth and gabriel snuck the spoon in

i jolted in surprise when a growl rumbled from Alpha Xavier-s chest for a split second i felt a spark of hope that maybe he was jealous but when i turned to look at him that hope twisted into red hot pain that burnt my insides

he didn't growl because he was jealous he growled because he was sucking or eating or slurping or whatever it is you call it-ing jenna face off amd it must be so freaking delicious for he can't seem to stop himself from making such awful sounds

i felt bile rise up my throat and i swallowed it down-digusting i know- after a few minutes that felt liked hours he finally stopped and jenna went back from straddling him to her seat

he looked at me his eyes free of any emotions he bit his swollen lips i unlocked the hard set of my jaw and gave him the sweetest smile i could muster at the moment-which was not much

i slid my gaze off him and focused it on what gabe was eating i tore the spoon away from his hand and quickly used it to dump all the remaining brownies into my mouth

gabe who was talking with james at that moment chuckled "Damn girl at least eat like a lady"

i snorted and swallowed before saying "pardon me" in my fakest voice

"oh that's quite alright dear" gabe said smirking at the inside joke i trailed my eyes to him again but ofcourse he wasn't looking at me he was looking at jenna who was oblivious to our inside jokes

"oh about that sleep over...?" gabe reminded me as we stood up from our chairs

"yeah i'm in i doubt alice would though since its you -know -who's you -know-what tomorrow" i said reffering to beta jordan's birthday

gabriel nodded his head and we parted ways as he head of to AP engling while i to math then as i was walking a hand circled my wrist and dragged me to an empty classroom

sparks danced on my wrist and when i snapped out of shock i realized that Alpha Xavier was the one who had dragged me by my wrist which he quickly let go of much to my dismay

the classroom was dark with nothing but the few rays of sun that seeped through the curtained window giving it light it was empty so i could smell is his manly dominating intoxicating scent that made breathing more special but also harder because i could thing about is him

my heart thumped in my chest and when my eyes found his i was lost in the dark blue orbs that made my heart jump out of my body and hit the floor in an awkward splat

his eyes draws me in then he just had to open his gorgeous mouth "I don't want you" he says non chalantly like his truth is the most obvious thing i the world  i staggered back a step like his words physically pushed me

i swallowed the bitter taste in my mouth bitting my lip so i wouldn't cry "but you still have to move in" he says i looked at him

"i told you i cant be-" before i can finish he already started smirking making me stop talking

his eyes glinted with mischief as he tilted his head with an air of cockiness "You are forgetting that i am the alpha love, and what the alpha says goes"

there must be something wrong with me because all i can think of is the fact that he called me love...

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