Chapter 13- Sense and Sensibility

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When I woke up all I could remember where the vibrating feelnof pain as it plays with the strings of my heart "Yes" i remember his whisper

I locked my jaw as i felt a sudden cold chilled my bones the cold of heartache

I heard a knock and I slipped out of the bed and was taken a back to see Alpha Xavier his hair still slightly wet his grey shirt fitting his toned body perfectly his hands on his jeans pocket

"Um...good morning?" I said with uncertainty he tilted his head "Get dressed its getting late" he said

Late for what? I wanted to ask then I realized he meant for school I nodded my head and raced to the bathroom

I took a five minute shower got dressed and was out of the shower in 7 minutes time

I was more than surprise to see that Alpha Xavier hasn't left yet he was leaning his back against his car his arms crossed

"Get in.I don't have all the time in the world" he says rolling his eyes at me

I was more than relieved to have a ride for school but was very disheartened remembering our conversation last night

"Sit at the back" he said as I begin to open the door at the front seat

"Oh..alright" I said sitting at the back I rested my jesd on the window as I watch the way his hands grip the steering wheel

My forehead crinkled as I pointed out that "The school's that way" gesturing ahead as the car turned right

"Jenna" he said as if that name is an explanation itself ofcourse in a way it kind of did

We halted in a stop in front of jenna's house a couple of minutes later jenna came out of the door dressed in a white off shoulder top with a flaring white skirt that reached just below her knees

I averted my gaze from Jenna to Alpha Xavier the way her eyes regarded her sent a lump on my throat and I tried to swallow the bitterness that suddenly filled my being

The car door opened and Jenna came in sitting in the front wonder he didn't want me to sit there

Jenna leaned in giving Alpha Xavier a quick kiss on the mouth before she turned giving me a genuine smile "Hey ash" she said

A fire inside of me wanted to burn her until her pretty flesh melts of her face but the water of bitterness calmed it down as one thought seeped its way to my mind:

Its not her fault that you're not good enough for him

Well that's that "Hey" I said trying to sound normal I saw jenna ran her hands to his hair something I wanted to do for years now while his hands rest on her thigh I felt acid sting my eyes

so i reched for my phone to try and act busy I suddenly realized that I left it at Alice's place so instead I reached out to my old copy of Sense and sensibility pretending to read i tried to drown out everything else by reading the same paragraph for 6th times when-

"Oh...I love that book too" Jenna suddenly said i slowly drop the book from my face to see her eager face great just great now she's talking to me

"I mean the way it was written is just lovely I do like a good love story every once in a while" she said

"I can't get enough of love stories speacially classics" I said sarcastically not noting my sarcasm jenna smile pleasantly

"Why do you have a boyfriend that inspires your love for romance?" She asked almost hopefully

I laughed not being able to help myself "yeah...boyfriend right" I said scoffing before getting oit pf the car as soon as it slowed down I took a deep breath

I hurried to english not bothering to go to my locker my sour mood turning fouler as I see Alice's empty chair guess the zit prroblem isn't over yet

So as I glumly wait for the class to start m back quickly sgraightened as if a soldier caught to attention as he walked in not bwing able to help myself

He loves her the thought seethes out vdnom that burns I closed my eyes and told myslef for comfort: not because he loves her doesn't mean that there's harm in loving him

I doubted those words but I needed myself to believe that this pull that gravitated my heart to his everything could be satisfied with me loving him from afar

"Love...students is the reason for everything" Mrs. Kings say starting her discussion "Or so that's what Austen believed" she quickly added

"Why do you think that?" She asked scanning the room with her eyes as a few hands were raised i pursed my lips as i add a pair of long eyes lashes to my doodle of a stickman

"Ms. Jones...would you like to share your thoughts?" She said I clossed my eyes great now she unto me for being late for her class yesterday

I stood up licking my chapped ips "Because love makes everything worth it?" I said giving it a guess

"Mhmm..." Mrs. Kings said before nodding "angbody else Mr. Black I suppose" she said

He stood up "Love is the thread that's tied in each of our necks it agonize but it bridge people together" he said

I looked at my paper I hadn't realized that I wrote down what he said I bet Jenna has a thread tight around his neck

He is so sensible in everything he does...which made me thought

What's the sense in sensibility?

He doesn't want meOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz