Scene 14

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Three years ago Seraphina left for Russia and it was hard for me. 

For one I haven't looked at another girl for three whole years and anytime my friends asked me what I was doing with my life I would only answer with a simple 'waiting'. 

Now I am at my mother's theater, which I've been running for a while now and am currently choosing which plays will be presented.

"I vote for the black swan." Paul, my dear friend suddenly said from the door. "I hear Mrs. Bell has been ecstatic to show it. Something about it being magical and simply surprising."

"I heard. I'm planning on putting it on Saturday night. Plus Bell told me it would be a fundraiser for sick children." I said with a smile. "By the way have you talked to the Morgan triplets lately?"

"No... Neither Seth nor Sage are answering my skype calls. It's a bit weird but maybe they're busy?" Paul shrugged his shoulders. "Why, you miss Seraphina?" He added with a sly smile.

"Every second of the day with every fiber of my body." I answered him in a deadpan tone.

A knock came at my door and in walked my father. He was smiling a lot for an old man and in all reality it was contagious. That smile was something which was said I inherited from him. 

"Hey old man." I smiled at him.

"Paul, Max. I need to talk to you guys about the black swan performance." He said. "Paul take a seat, this will be a long talk."

"Oh god. Are you going to give me an hour long lecture on how to monitor the light on your costumes again?" Paul whined.

Dude, lay off. Now he will give us a two hour long lesson on sewing buttons!

"No, I will teach you how to sew a button on, so your future wives don't have to go through that torture."

See, what did I tell you?


There were so many children running around happily giggling and screaming. They were so happy and excited for the ballet performance which was beginning shortly.

"Hey Max!" I got slapped on the back really hard. "How you been kid?"

"Mr. Morgan!" I exclaimed almost fainting on the spot. "It's a surprise to see you here tonight."

"Yeah well, I'm donating a lot of cash from the car wash we had yesterday for these kids. You should be thankful kid. Plus, I do enjoy a magical performance." He winked at me and went inside. "You should hurry to your seat, it will start soon."

Following him with my eyes I actually think I saw Seth and Sage as well. Shaking those thoughts out of my head I left for my seat which was located next to my mother and her group of rich friends. 

"Ah Max, nice of you to join us." She said.

"Sorry I'm late." I answered not feeling sorry at all.

"Max, this is Rosie. Mr. Richardson's daughter." My mother and her goals of  getting me married of into a rich family are futile. I will marry the girl that has the queen ring of my king one. "Have a little chat after this."

"Maybe." I mumbled so only she could hear me.

The lights dimmed and the music started. The scene was set and the dancers came out like real swans, until a young dancer clad in black with a gleaming silver tiara entered the scene as a real black swan.

 The scene was set and the dancers came out like real swans, until a young dancer clad in black with a gleaming silver tiara entered the scene as a real black swan

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