chapter 20 - How could you forget?

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My drug addiction got worse and worse my eyes were nearly always red i resorted to sunglasses, i took drugs at night and mornings before jasmine could see i was still a okayish father with her i did all the things i had to but as my drug addiction increased my connection with Jasmine decreased. 

I found myelf nearly always tired and moaning and always panicing it was a horrible feeling and i wanted to go back to life the way it used to be but there was no way of that happening anytime soon i was too addicted. 

'Daddy why you no listen to me?' she moaned while tugging at my arm, i was a reck and i could hardly make sense of my surroundings. 

Since that day where headlines were that i was high and drunk and grinding with two girls nobody hardly trusted me, Lucas' mum left me a note by my doorstep every day because i wouldn't open the door to her 

it read: 

i hope you aren't being a bad father to Jasmine

i rolled my eyes and moaned why was everyone on my case? jasmine was fine i was fine. Me and Louis had to make do with working with each other we stood nowhere near each other during interviews and i refrained from laughing at his jokes though we were still 'friends' we both knew a part of us were aching for love from each other. 

December was looming on and i was getting in the christmas spirit, i was trying to lower my drug intake for Jasmine and her chirstmas spirits as she was so excited it was hilarious and cute. She sang carols all day long and insisted we put up the tree in mid-november. 

'What is santa going to buy me?' she said 

'hmm have you been a good girl jasmine?' i asked her 

'yes yes yes i have!' she chirped

'well then he iwll buy you all the things you want,' i said tickling her. 

I felt bad because on guy fawkes day me and jasmine went to Gemma's for fireworks, Gemma invited all the boys also and Louis tried to talk to Jasmine was it bad that i forbid him to? he gave her a present to celebrate when I wasn't looking and when we got home i stole it and threw it away was that too much?

I just didn't want Louis talking to the daughter he abandoned!

Even though we were okayish i forbid him from seeing my daughter and Jasmine i know ached for Louis though i forbid her from seeing Louis. 

Christmas was looming on and Jasmine went to preschool with a santa hat everyday in December, thankfully she had made a few friends now and noone teased her because that is the last thing i would want for someone teasing my little girl. 

I wore a santa hat to work because i promised jasmine i would and that was the day Louis confronted me nicely as if we were the best of friends. 

'Hey hazza,' he said

i think he expected me to reply with boobear but all i said was 

'Louis,' and curtly nodded

'Is it just cold in here or is it just you?' he laughed

that was kinda of the lame joke that would have had me in stitches a while back, I saw Louis' disspaoinment when i didn't laugh. 

'So its my birthday on christmas eve,' he said

'yep,' i said he was acting as if i didn't know of course i knew. 

'I am having a birthday party on the evening of 23rd and then when midnight comes it'll be my birthday,' Louis said


'you should come,' he said

'oh ok,' i said

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