chapter 24 - Jasmine be nice to everyone

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The next morning, hell was at my door literally. Paparazzi were everywhere asking about my drugs i didn't answer any questions but as normal words were put in my mouth, everyone scolded me for being a 'bad father' because everyone knew about my drug addiction. 

The next morning, when everyone was banging on my window demanding answers , i hid in my room with jasmine tucked close by me, i shut the curtains so noone could look in and i hid with her. 

'I love you Jasmine,' I said to her cooing, as she attempted to runout of my grip to play with her toys. She was still dressed in her pajamas because i couldn't get to her room as there were paparazzi who could take pictures from every angle in her windows. 

'please stay with me,' i begged

'I want icecream!' she shoutd

'Jasmine please quieten down,' i begged

'I want icecream i am not asking again,' she said rudely

'Jasmine stop acting like a spoilt brat it's rude to demand things,' i said

she stuck out her tounge at me 

Though she ran out of my room leaving me alone.  I heard a crash and heard the door being flung open how did paparazzi get in?

I crawled nervously into the living room of my flat and I saw it wasn't infact paparazzi it was worse....

it was Gemma. 

'HARRY!' She barked, i have never seen my sister so angry in my entire life. 

if looks could kill i'd be dead 10x over. Jasmine ran to her 

'Aunty gemz gemz,' Jasmine chanted 

'Hey baby are you alright has daddy been irresponsible?' Gemma said cooing in jasmine's ear while picking her up.

'daddy no change me,' she said 

'Since your father wont change you i will in a minute i want a quick chat with you daddy,' Gemma said

i gulped, Jasmine ran to play with her minion. 

Gemma walked up to me and slapped me across the face, tears were threatening to fall from her eyes. i held my cheek as it was burning with pain. 

'I. cant own brother. takes drugs.' she said sternly 

then she uttered the four most terrifying words.

'I am very dissapointed,' 

'Gemma you don't understand!' i said

'dont understand what? that drugs can ruin your life! and your 3 year old daughters! god harry you are so thick sometimes,' Gemma said

'Its just i have beeing feeling rough lately,' i said

'Then go bowling or something or join a gym don't fucking take drugs harry! When people say you are a bad father i used to think they were wrong but now harry you have proved them right!' Gemma screamed

'You wouldn't understand Gemma!' i shouted

'Look i dont give a flying fuck what Louis has done to you but drugs can kill you! you can become addicted!' Gemma said

'I am trying to stop,' i muttered

'Are you really?' Gemma asked

'Trying,' i muttered

'Well i just want you to know that the social services are on you, everybody knows you take drugs!' Gemma said

i gulped this made me nervous. 

Teen dad (a larry stylinson fanfiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя