16.5 - Jauregui (Part 2)

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"It's done, dad." Lauren breathed contently, sealing her eyes momentarily as she did her best to savor her newfound and highly cherished freedom that early Sunday afternoon. "I've never been this happy in a while."

It hadn't quite sunk in yet but it had only been a couple of days since hearing the verdict in court that Lauren's cognizance somehow struggled to process everything. Truthfully, as soon as the worker left, she and Ida lingered by her office door just to stare at the name that had served as her brand for over 28 years.

And it was exhilarating to have it back without another name succeeding it.

At the moment, it was more than just her name. It was metaphor.

"Jauregui" was a metaphor for freedom, for bliss and for utmost gratification that through her arduous struggles, it was concluded by her laying an unwavering claim to her life.

Lauren was on the floor, leaning against the wall next to the bathroom with her phone pressed against her ear. Her lips were untamable and her smile was relentless even when her vision was overwhelmed by her less than appealing apartment. But it was home; for now, at least.

And more importantly, it was clean.

It was her latest accomplishment; a clean space with polished counters and without dirty laundry on the comprehensively vacuumed and washed carpeted floor. Lauren had gone out the previous day, dragging Ida along with her, to pick up a shampooing system when there was a sudden desire to...overhaul her life and she felt as though the first step was to clean her burrow of a home.

It was up to Clara Jauregui's standards and Lauren was just too blissfully intoxicated that she never minded her exhausted mind and body, even when her free hand continuously rubbed her outstretched legs. It was only a couple of minutes ago that she finally repositioned her singular pull-out couch and coffee table; the living room being the last area of the unit she cleaned.

"No more court days?" An ecstatic Mike Jauregui asked on the other end of the line, barely able to orate the meager words of his disbelieving yet happy heart.

"None." Lauren's lip quivered as she grasped what she had just said while the weight of her father's voice finally bore down on her comprehension. "No more, dad." She continued in a strained whisper.

"Do you need anything? Help with the lawyer's fees? Do you want us to come up there?"

Mike was overjoyed that his words became a jumbled murmur his daughter had no trouble deciphering. He was as delighted as Lauren but he was failing at keeping it together. Lauren could hear her mother asking if there was a hitch or more complications to their daughter's annulment proceeding but Michael only sobbed, which might have worsened Clara's perturbed thoughts.

A part of Lauren was remorseful she kept her parents in the dark about her faintest troubles regarding the legal separation. Preserving her sanity was her priority and she feared that if she admitted to any sort of difficulty, they would be magnified, and she'd be left to count the days until she'd crumble to the ground.

And every single time her parents are involved, it was as if she'd be transformed into a little defenseless girl, and she could not afford that while attempting to face court dates alone.

Reconsidering her stance, Lauren admitted she yearned to keep a brave front and since it was all over, the floodgates have finally been unlocked as she allowed unbridled reprieve to rain over her while she sought her father's protective essence.

There was a twinge in Lauren's heart that reminded her of her tumultuous journey to shed the surname that never belonged next to her own. It was the same ache that told of how grateful she was that in the lottery of life, she landed on a pair of devoted parents, who were whatever and wherever she needed them to be.

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