30 - Imminent

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***If you're worried about the environment and don't know how to help, please use ecosia.org as a search engine. They plant a tree for approximately 45 searches you make. It's not as refined as Google but you help the world without spending anything, so. ALSO, be patient with this chapter. It's tedious and stupidly wordy and multi-perspective as it closes certain story arcs. It's kinda a transitional chapter as well, as we're approaching the climax. Will probs wrap this all up in 10 chapters. I was going to proofread because I'm sure this is one ginormous mess but I'm really so busy. :/ Kay, thanks! I know this is late and I'm sorry. (This one's only 8700++ words. One of the shortest chapters of the story.)

An odd sense of nostalgia, a hopeless longing enveloped Camila as she watched Robert McIntyre make his way towards the stage. Clad in a green graduation gown with a gold stole draping over his shoulders to signify he graduated with honors, the boy took a moment to look towards the audience in search of his niece.

And when he spotted her, his grin was the sweetest, most blissful Camila had ever seen and his cheeks were tinged red in both embarrassment and joy.

Pebble was there amongst the crowd, cheering for him in Dinah's arms and they were wedged between Milo to their right and Elf, Luca and Darnell to their left. The group of six were the loudest cheerleaders, a little group of rebels going against the request made by the chairperson to keep the applause until the last person was called and they were attracting attention – laughter from onlookers.

There wasn't any cause for distress.

With Professor C and Miss Lauren behind them, they were practically invincible and the rules were invisible.

Robert shook his head before his gaze flitted towards Lauren and then Camila, who were to the far left of the stage, nodding in silent gratitude. Another gaze towards Pebble, he took a deep breath, raised his chin in the process and then, he ventured towards the steps, up to his department dean but his grin never faltered and Camila knew why. He'd gone into college with no one but Pebble and he was leaving it with seven more people who cared about him and his niece.

He was leaving it with seven more people he considered his family.

Camila had been thinking about hers since Lauren mentioned talking to Sofia. She wondered if Lauren spoke with her parents as well, how often they communicate and what they talked about, and if they agonized over her sudden disappearance together.

More importantly, she wondered if Sinu and Alejandro were kinder to her. Lauren deserved nothing less.

Camila was almost certain Lauren and her little sister were still as thick as thieves. Sofia had always gravitated to Lauren more than anyone else she'd brought to her sister's life and she was grateful her absence didn't steal Lauren from her.

But she couldn't deny little sparks of jealousy of Lauren, of Sofia. While Camila and her little sister had brief, awkward conversations during holidays and birthdays, she and her little sister were more strangers as years went on. Sofi had become more cautious as she aged and it bothered Camila more than anything.

It took a lot of effort, but Camila willed those disparaging thoughts away.

It wasn't the time.

She was there for Robert.

She didn't have to be watch him receive his diploma by obligation. She wanted to be there for Robert but like Lauren, she couldn't sit with the boy's cheerleaders to stifle speculations of favoritism. It was for that reason that she and Lauren suppressed their vicarious excitement.

However, as much as she wanted to leave the past where it belonged, she couldn't, especially with the woman who could have made all the difference sitting next to her amongst the rest of the faculty and staff in attendance.

Professor C (camren)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt