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I decided that this was not the best time to argue, ergo I ran out of my safe haven with a Mafia Boss. But before I left, I insisted on taking a printout of the clue and wiping the computer. Adrian let me.

What had life come to!?

He grabbed the back of my hoodie like a gentleman and dragged me outside the house and to the lawn. The sun was rising. I could see a pinkish tinge near the horizon. Colouring the grass crimson.

"Let go!!" I yelled, prying my hoodie from his grip.

"Run faster!!" He yelled back as he let go and took off.

He was a good nine inches taller. I was about five two. Keeping up with him was an ordeal.

I tripped over my feet and fell. Ouch. Adrian was already by his car. A black Lamborghini.

"Seriously!? Of all the times you choose to fall now!??" He demanded.

I skinned my knee. It was burning and the asshole shouting instructions wasn't helping.

"Sorry, I forgot to ask gravity to fuck off!" I shouted back.

"But you definitely asked your common sense to, didn't you?"

I snarled at him and ran, he opened the door for me and got in the car. I slammed the door shut, sliding on to the black leather seats. Whats up with black?

"Your car looks like a hearse."

He reached across my shoulders and tugged on the seatbelt, without looking at me.

"Ouch! Watch it!!" I yelled as he pulled the seatbelt right across my face. I could have sworn he did it on purpose. I rubbed my nose and cheeks.

Asshole ignored me and floored it.

"What the hell is wrong with you!? Are the cops chasing you or something!?" I asked.

He gave me a look that basically said 'why do you exist'.

"Shut up." He said sharply.

"Rude." I muttered.

"Please shut up." He amended.

What a gentleman.

The DeLuca boss drove at breakneck speed. I wasn't one for seatbelts (I found them too restraining) but sitting in Adrian's car, I suddenly understood why they were needed.

"What happened!?" I asked.

"Do you remember the three families of LA?" He asked suddenly.

"Yeah, the Castellinos, the Abandonatos and the DeLucas, your family." I said,"Why?"

"Well, it appears that we've pissed off one of them."

So now there were two Mafias after my life.

"We? I don't even know them! It was all you!!" I protested. A bit irritated, now.

"You should have run faster!!" He yelled.

"You shouldn't have lead them here!!" I yelled back.

"You shouldn't have run!!" He accused.

"You shouldn't have chased me!!"

"You shouldn't have hacked into the stupid mainframe!!" He yelled again.

"You...yeah, you're right." I said, defeated.

He sighed loudly.

"I'm actually stuck in a car chase with the Mafia Boss." I nearly cried.

"I'm actually stuck in a car chase with an idiot." He complained.

I glared at him but he didn't appear to notice. I slowly turned in my seat and looked back and started panicking again. There were two silver cars chasing us.

"THAT GUY HAS A GUN!!!" I yelled.

He ignored me.


Adrian slowly turned to look at me. In that moment I hoped that he didn't have a gun.

Suddenly he pulled over.


"Just...shut up." He muttered, getting out of the car.

I stepped out and realized why. We were surrounded. There was no escape.

"Stay behind me," Adrian said,"Don't talk."

I nodded and stayed behind him.

A man walked up to us. He had a huge scar running down his face, from the center of his forehead to his cheekbone. An eye patch covered his eye, which I assumed to

He smiled. I cringed. His teeth were worse than King Joffrey's.

"Mr. DeLuca," he said in a strong accent.

Adrian shifted. "The Abandonatos, at the risk of sounding clichéd, I should have known."

"Brave words, boss." He said coming closer than I would have liked. I heard a click and I saw silver metal on Adrian's wrists. Handcuffs.

"And who is this? Your whore? Pretty little thing," he said reaching out to touch my face. I snapped at his hand.

"Don't touch her," Adrian said. "Your boss wouldn't like it if you do."

Scarface looked up at Adrian and snarled. Adrien looked bored.

Scarface clipped the other ring of the handcuff to my wrist before I could react. That bastard!! I lashed out with my leg, nailing him in the groin. Ah, that felt good!

He was soon clutching his family jewels. A few other men got out of the car and Adrian jerked me back by the handcuffs.

Scarface got up and stared at me.

"If anyone kills you, I promise it will be me." He said pulling out a gun.

"Sure you can aim without an eye?" I spat out through clenched teeth.

"Want to find out, little girl?" He snarled.

Adrian pulled on the cuff and walked towards the car in silence, I could do nothing but follow him. He seemed calm and composed as usual. I hoped he knew what was going on.

We were seated between two men.

"Didn't I tell you not to talk?" Adrian whispered, irritated.

"Whoops. You didn't tell me we were going to be encountering complete assholes." I whisper-yelled back.

"Welcome to the Mafia. Do you think we're some charity organization!?"

"Shut up." I murmured.

The printout of the clue was in a pocket of his suit. Did this guy wear Cologne while killing people? And the blood on his suit was a bit unsettling.

The car came to an abrupt stop. I jerked ahead, nearly hitting my head on the driver's seat. I felt something warm trickle down my shin.

My knee had started to bleed again.


It was the first time I had used his name.

And he ignored it.

"Psst. Adrian!"

He looked at me. I flicked my eyes to my knee then back at him. He looked down at my wound and his silver eyes widened.

"We need to get out soon," he whispered calmly.

"What happened?" I asked.

"It needs stitches. It just opened deeper. Let's get back and I'll stitch it up." He said in a hushed voice.

The doors of the car opened and we were pulled out. I cried out at the suddenness of the gesture.

The men led us into a building and a basement. It was dark and I couldn't see anything. The air was damp. I heard the snapping of handcuffs and felt the bite of metal on my other hand.

The men walked out leaving Adrian and me alone in the darkness.

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