Chapter 35

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Chevron Katherine Rayne

Nobody had the guts to talk to me when we headed back to the DeLuca estate. I was hungry, sleep deprived and downright murderous. Adrian following me was a huge surprise but atleast it played out well. You know, if you ignore the minor detail that I was now part of a fucking Mafia. Or fucking the Mafia. I wouldn't really mind fucking Adrian.

Phase one of Adrian's master plan was complete. I was safe and Roy was a mole. Adrian also told me that Roy was how my name got out, Dylan hadn't been the one to endanger me. Well, he had, but he wasn't the one that sent three Mafia's behind me. Nevertheless, there were many choices a girl has to make in her lifetime. My biggest one was who do I slap first: Adrian or Dylan.

"You know, there's still time to back out," he said.

Adrian. Definitely Adrian.

"I'm not backing out, Adrian." I informed him.

"I'm serious, Chevron. This isn't your fight," he said.

"Yet here I am. Part of the DeLuca Mafia so shut up!"

"You can't tell your Boss to shut up," Adrian smirked.

"I was never one for rules," I reminded him.

He ruffled my hair. We were sitting at his study. Well, I was sitting on his desk and he was in the chair in front of me with his phone. His dark hair was messy and I actually liked it.

"We leave in three hours. Castellino is planning to make a move. You know what you have to do?"

"Not really but yes," I responded.

He studied me for a minute. I knew what he was doing, analysing my expression and body language.

"Are you scared?" He asked softly.

Finally! Someone noticed that bullets, blood and guns is going to scare a twenty year old.

"I'd be lying if I said no. Are you scared?"


"I trust you," I told him.

He sighed. "I know. Don't worry, I won't let anything hurt you. If anyone tries I'll kill them myself."

That was surprisingly sweet, even if he did talk of murdering people. Wow, I was definitely fucked up in the head.

"You're still an ass though," I said.

"I've heard that girls like bad boys," he said with an exaggerated smirk.

I laughed. "Okay, don't try to act like a cheesy bad boy, being Adrian Alessandro DeLuca is bad enough."

I never got how bad boys in teen fiction were considered bad. Hell, I'd probably gotten into trouble more than them.

"My name does sound sexy doesn't it?" He asked, barely restraining his laughter.

"Unfortunately yes," I said and we both burst out laughing. Sometimes it was truly hard to believe super genius, Mafia boss, Adrian DeLuca was my somewhat boyfriend. Out of all the people in the world. What would happen if we got out alive? Would we stay together still? I hoped so. I wasn't planning on letting him go anytime soon.

The door burst open and Damien walked in, flanked by Antonio and Isaac. Adrian and I stopped laughing but his hand remained on my waist.

Antonio looked at me. "Welcome to the family," he intoned.

I nodded slightly.

"Is she coming with us?" Isaac asked.

"Yes." Adrian confirmed.

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