Family Reuniun

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*1 year later*

Josh and Lauren had been together since the beginning, as they say, and now they love each other more everyday. Everyday is a new start for them and they have changed the world for all.


Most of the Devils had changed back to human, with only a handful of Devils left because they either hadn't found their loved one yet or they have to be patient with them.

Josh still had his wings and a few other characteristics of a devil but Lauren loved him with it and sometimes they came in handy. Same went for the rest of the Devils.

Since Josh and Lauren changed all of the Devils and everyone's lives, everyone voted them to be queen and king of both species. Yes it was a big role and a lot of responsibility but they felt the need to protect and help the Devils and humans along the way.

Since Josh and Lauren had been dating for nearly a year now Josh thought it would be a good idea to marry. He thought that since Lauren loved his romantic side he would prepose on their one year anniversary. He would take her out on a date on the anniversary to where they had their first date. It was a cute little restaurant that was destroyed when the Devils first came and after they were cured Lauren had explained how she loved that place and so Josh built it again and he was the owner now. He was going to take her there for their date and then later go out on a walk on the beach. He would set candles along the shoreline, not too close and not too far. After the walk he would take her to the cliff where a whomping willow grew, and he would have lights hung up making it look like a wonderland. There they would have dessert and in the cake would be a small note in it (it would have to be laminated) that said "will you marry me?" Then after she read it he would get down on one knee and prepose.

Josh was so excited for the anniversary that he started preparing. It was only a week away! He had to choose the cake, find his mother's ring and get lights on the whomping willow.

Since Josh remembers his past life, he wanted to go and see his family again and show off his girlfriend but he couldn't remember his home town. So, he searched up his past name and found a Facebook profile. He stocked himself and found the town.

Lauren knew Josh wanted to find him family and she did too. Turns out they lived in the same town. And so they agreed to go and see their families before their anniversary.

Josh flew in the air carrying Lauren to their town for and hour strait. "You don't have to do that. I could have driven us" Lauren spoke as they landed.

"But flying is faster, plus I get to hold you." Josh said innocently. They first went to Lauren's old house, at the edge of town.

Once they found the house, Lauren could tell they had some repairs since the last time she saw it, probably from when the Devils attacked. The house was a small two story, with a pale brown on the outside top of the house then the bottom half of the first story was fake rocks.

"Looks friendly" Josh pointed out. Lauren knew that if her parents saw who and what she was with they'd try to kill Josh. Lauren went first and stood in front of Josh and rang the bell. They could hear shuffling inside and then not two seconds later the door opened up and before Lauren could say 'hi' she was tackled by a big bear hug.

"Lauren! My baby!" An older woman spoke holding Lauren tight to her chest.

"Mom!" Lauren glanced at Josh worried of their reaction. "Come on in! Come in!" Lauren's mom ushered them inside.

Before they could step one foot in the house Lauren's mom noticed Josh. "Oh, and who are you?" She questioned Josh. "I'm Josh, Lauren's boyfriend" he spoke holding Lauren by the waist. The older lady looked at him with curiosity but then she looked up, seeing the wings she screams and tugs on Lauren's hand. "Get away from that thing!"

The Devil's Angel Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum