Chapter 10: Tuck & Muna?

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I walked up to the doors of the school building, enjoying my Spotify playlist, and didn't notice Danny, Sam and Tucker coming up behind me.

"Hey, Muna." Danny said. I jumped.

"Woah, guys sorry you scared me." I explained, while pulling my headphones off. "What's up?"

"Tucker wanted to ask you something." Danny giggled, shoving Tucker toward me.

"Hey!" Tucker complained to Danny and Sam, who were so obviously trying not to laugh.

"What is it, Tuck?" I asked.

"Um... Do you maybe... Want to go to get ice cream together after school? The ice cream place just opened for the season." Tucker explained.

"Are you... um... asking me out?" I was a little confused. Sure, I liked Tucker, but not really in a romantic way. If I had to pick one Danny Phantom character that I had the most of a crush on, it would be Danny. Fictional boys are better than real boys so if I have the opportunity to date any of them, I will.

"I guess yeah." Tucker responded.

"Yes." I answered.

"What?" Tucker was confused.

"Sure, yeah, I'll go on a date with you." I elaborated. Damn my awkwardness. I've never said yes to a date before. Mostly because I've never really had the opportunity to before.

"Really? Cool!" Tucker sounded excited, like he had never been on a date before. Now that I think about it, he probably hadn't...

"Does this mean we're like... boyfriend and girlfriend now?" I asked

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